Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Update! False Alarm!

I received the news earlier by a text message from a friend. But now another friend who's a frequent customer called to make an appointment and the secretary answered! So, lavender is still open!

She asked about what happened and the secretary said that she's been getting calls all day from people asking about the same thing.

So it appears to be just a rumor and apparently from people wanting to ruin their reputation.

Sorry girls, I should've made sure before posting, my apologies.

My earlier post:
Lavender for massage at Al Muhallab Complex (Hawalli) has been shut down. They had SPY CAMS.
Shocking news is that it's owned by a Doctor!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Memoirs of a Single Girl (5)

مذكرات عانس 5

إنسي أمر الزواج

أنا: الأولى تجوزت، والتانيه تجهزت، والتالته خطبوها، خطبوها تعززت
هذه الأغنية تتماشى مع الخبرالسعيد الذي قلتيه، مبروك خطبة أختك

هي: الله يبارك فيك

قالتها وهي منخفضة الرأس، وعلى وجهها نظرة حزينة
استغربت من مزاجها، لم تلك النظرة الحزينة، صحيح أنها غير متزوجه حتى الآن، ولكن هذا لا يمنع من أن تكون سعيدة لأختها الصغرى
راودتني كعادتي شكوك في نفسي إن كنت قد أسأت لها بكلمة ما، ولكني كنت شديدة الحرص على عدم قول الفأل لك لعلمي بأنها قد ملت سماعها سنين طوال من الناس حولها وخصوصا في الأعراس أو حين تلقي خبر خطبة

أنا: ما بك يا صاحبتي، ألست سعيدة بخطبة أختك

هي: بالطبع نعم، ولكن

أنا: ولكن ماذا

هي: أبي

أنا: عسى ما شر

هي: أبي بارك لأختي التي خطبت، وتمنى الفأل لأختي الأخرى آخر العنقود، أما أنا، فلا

أنا: لماذا

نطقتها بكل استغراب ثم بدأت أحاسب نفسي لعدم تمني الفأل لها

هي: بالضبط، أنا إستغربت أكثر منك، فسألته مباشرة وماذا عني أنا، أليس لي حق في تمنيك

هنا لمحت دمعة في عينيها، تحاول جاهدة أن تخفيها بتوجيه نظرها للفوق تارة، ومن ثم للأرض لتكمل سرد قصتها

قال لي: أنت، أنت عديمة الفائدة

هنا لم أستطع كبح جماح نفسي فقاطعتها قائلة
أنا: ماذا، مع كل إحترامي لوالدك، ولكن،،، ولكن لم هذا القول

هي: هو يراني كبرت وقد طافني القطار، أما أختي فهي صغيرة، ولديها كل الميزات التي تؤهلها للزواج المبكر، ومن المؤكد أن تكون هي التالية، مما يجعلها مغترة بنفسها حتي علي، تخيلي، أنا أختها الكبرى
وأنهى أبي كلامه قائلا: إنسي أمر الزواج أو حتى الحلم به

لقد حزنت كثيرا لصاحبتي وخصوصا بأنها لا تقل جمالا عن أختها، ولكن نفسها الخجولة، الطيبه والمسالمة هي التي جعلت أخواتها تتفوقن عليها
وهكذا حطم الأب كل ذرة أمل كانت تمتلكها، هي ليست ناقصة، ولكن القدر لعب دوره أيضا في تلقيها خطاب ليسوا من أصلهم ولا فصلهم

أنا أستغرب من سماح الأب بأن تظل إبنته عانس على أن يزوجها بشخص ليس من قبيلتهم، وإن كان هذا الأمر لابد منه، فهل مصيرها العيش وحيدة تتلقى الإهانات من كل جانب، حتى من أقرب الناس لها، سندها وعضدها، أبيها

اللعنه على كل قانون إخترعه بني أدم لكي يفرق بينهم

تمنيت بأن أقول لها أهربي مع من تريدين ولكن
كيف أقول لها ذلك وهي أصلا متربية على دين إخترعه قومها، قانونه ينص على وجوب إجتياز الخطيب إختبار معايير الأصل والفصل مع السماح بغض البصر عن بعض أوصافه أو خلقه

هي تعاني، نعم، ولكنها متشبعة بنهج عشيرتها

وفي النهاية، اسمحوا لي بأن أتحفكم بمعلومة صغيرة تناقض فحوى القصة

أم صاحبتي لا تنتمي لا لعشيرتهم، ولا لدمهم، لا لأصلهم، ولا حتى لبلدهم
أم صاحبتي تأتي من بلد بعيد، شعبه يتحدث بلغة غير مفهومة، ويعبد إلها غير إلهنا
ولكنها ما شاء الله تعرف قوانين شعبنا أكثر مني ومنكم، وتحفظ منهج عشيرة زوجها على أكمل وجه وتطبقه بالكمال والتمام

عاش شعب يحلل لنفسه ما يحرم لغيره

آه عليك يا صاحبتي

مذكرات عانس 4

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I'm No Giant

I went to Munira Complex (opposite to Marks&Spencer) where they have a shop called (My Size). I heard that they have XL shoes. So I went to check it out for the first time. And guess what sizes they have? Not just XL! But XXXL!

Most shops have 41 as their biggest size and very few ones have 42. But this one OMG they start with 43 till 46! Imagine! Yes it is true and I am not kidding!

I stood there startled and started my usual nosey questions like “do you have customers who buy these sizes?” so the information I got from the salesperson is the following:

They get many customers especially as the salesperson described them “men who are like females. They like wearing women’s shoes and they can’t find them anywhere else”.

I immediately remembered the actor Abdul Nasser Darweesh who usually performs as a female and always wondered where he got his shoes from. So she said yes, we get actors too.

The shop has been open for four years.

There was a pair of golden high heels that Oprah Winfrey wears, she said.

Their shoes are made in USA, china, and Indonesia. The pricing ranges between 20 and KD45 which is rather expensive compared to their quality.

Just before I left, I took their card “in case of an emergency” and walked out feeling so petite. It was the first time I’ve ever been to a shoe store where all shoes are bigger than my size.

Oh yes, it feels goooooood.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Life Lessons

"I will meet you yesterday"
"I saw you tomorrow"

You see what’s wrong with these sentences?

I made fun of someone and now I am infected!

The lesson leared: Never, never laugh or make fun of anybody!


On behalf of myself and my species, I am sorry to have caused you THE HORROR

First it was the Oil Spill
Then it was Mad Cow
Now it’s
Bird Flu
I wonder what’s next

Yours, Na77ama

Friday, November 11, 2005


Can you believe that someone took a loan to make girge3an for her kids?
I can't, but it's true :/

Monday, November 07, 2005


Weird things happening these days..

I got an SMS from an anonymous number saying: (I'm typing it the same way I received it)

SMS:Hi, how r u?
Me: who’s this?
SMS:Im Shayne, U remember me?
Me: Shayne who?
SMS: Shayne lopez. R u mr William Briton? The frend of bel? If nt then may I knw u? If u dnt mind.
Me: I only know jenifer lopez ;) so I guess it’s a wrong number dear.
SMS: Hahaha! Im sori, maybe now u got 2 lopez’s Shayne & jennfr. Can we be frends dear?

I didn’t reply..

SMS: What nationality r u? R u my KABAYAN?

Is this a new way of meeting people?

Go away, leave me alone

I was in the midst of my morning tight sleep after spending the whole night catching up with blogs and replying to old comments. I woke up at around 10 and switched on my mobile. My mobile beeped; it was a voice message from my boss. OMG mo rathya etkhaleeni at`hanna eb ejazty. She wanted me to call her for an extremely important issue. Do I feel important or what?

Timaqqa6t in bed trying to ignore her, but I couldn’t do it. Shasawi, 3indi thameer. I know she dared to call because she knows I’m single and probably mitsharqida in bed doing nothing. Yeah, she’s one of those who envy me for not having any responsibilities. Many times she wanted to give me Homework but I decline. She assumes that people like me don’t need vacation or don’t need rest at home.

And so I called, back to my thameer 7ay. I did it because I couldn’t fall asleep again. She greeted me with “embarak 3alailch el shahar”. Imagine! And so I replied with the same. And then she interrupted and changed it to “3eedich embarak, taqabbal Allah 6a3tich”. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one sleeping.

She asked me about something so silly and accused me of some work she thought I did wrong. Only to get a call from her after 3 hours telling me I was right.

And so, my morning plans were messed up and didn’t achieve anything.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sadia Party


Sadia cat had a slumber party the next day. She turned out to be a mean cat just like what Salted-caramel said. I was sad that she didn’t invite me over and couldn’t sleep that night thinking what was wrong with me. So I started my yahoo search and found this quiz ; I turned out to be a Persian cat (no wonder my hair falls out).

I am now looking for new friends, are there any Persian cats out there?

My Eid kiss

I was never kissed by a man; other than my close relatives of course. But today, the 3rd day of Eid was special. I got almost kissed by a handsome guy.

I was at some co-op checking out Immac wax strips; when a handsome guy around 20 of age came to me smiling and greeting me with “salamu alaikom”. A guy I’ve never seen in my entire life. He extended his hand for a hand shake while I stood there frozen like a chicken. He leaned forward and wanted to kiss. I froze even more. I was gob smacked. All I was thinking was who he is. Do I know him? Is it polite to hold back the hand shake and the kiss? Should I kiss him back? I didn’t utter a word. I didn’t even ask who he is. I did not move. The only answer I got was this must be the hidden camera show. You know after this Ramadan series of “Sadooh” expect the unexpected, expect sexual harassment. Except this time the actor is young, clean, and handsome.

When the guy saw no response, he leaned back, pushed his cart wheel and went away repeating “salamu alaikom”. I stayed frozen there without a single move watching him as he left and looking around for superman to rescue me from the fright I was in or for the candid camera to show up. A woman came my way telling her daughters “poor man, he’s sick; maskeen mo sa7i”. That’s when my head bulb lit. I walked slow trying to feel at ease again then spotted a man with a cart wheel coming my way again. I wasn’t 100% sure if it was him or not but I felt like I couldn’t stay there anymore. So I ran out of the co-op and bought nothing.

The idea that the guy might be sick didn’t cross my mind because they usually don’t look young and neat. So I only thought that he might be acting this way to get a kiss from me.

Whatever his case was, it’s hard to judge and difficult to control the reaction in such situations. Thank God it was at clear day light at a co-op and not some dark out of sight area.

On another note, how come when I was at the SAS hotel entrance the man in the car in front of me got just a car security check plus my family in the other two cars? While when it was my turn, a Kuwaiti security man came out of his cabinet and asked for my civil ID card? Do I look suspicious or what?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sadia Home Delivery

Eat me purrr. I'm delicious.


Really delicious.


Full of pride, and I taste better than chicken.