Monday, August 01, 2005

Movie Passion

I finally saw the movie "The Passion of the Christ". They should've mentioned next to 18, do not eat while watching. I was disappointed by the movie. Mel Gibson didn't succeed this time, as if I knew his other productions! Well all I saw was blood, more blood, and torture. I knew beforehand that it contained torture but I expected a story too. There was none. His mother was beautiful, and also his sister, I think? There was a lady and a boy with the mother so I figured they were his siblings. But what a strong mother she was. She didn't tear much.

There were parts like our version in Islam, and there were different others. If those were his siblings, was his mother married before or what? There was a man in black since the start of the movie that I thought was the angel of death but wearing black then I figured in the end of the movie that he might be Satan.
The torture was all heart breaking, but the most heart breaking of all was the time they nailed his hand. Was he tortured that much in our Islamic version? Cos I know that Allah saved our prophets from that kind of torture. I don't blame the Jews for getting upset at this movie, because there was no story at all, just torture.


Flamingoliya said...

It is gory. kint tawni mit3ashya and i saw it before i went to bed, perfect timing! :p
the word GORY reminded me of this website:
yeey! it's there, last time I checked it was blocked. I think they removed Diana!

Flamingoliya said...

oh and BTW samboose, you're nick makes me hungry every time I read it. I like samboosa.

Papillona ® said...

Flam, I loved that movie!
you know it was all in Hebrew and I know some Herbrew ;) it is VERY close to Arabic btw..

The torture and all the blood is in their book and because this is what they believe that he's been tortured to wash all his people's sins..

The lady isn't his sister.. you didn't find a story because this movie was made for those who know the story (Catholics).
yeahm so the lady is what we call it (zaneya) kanaw yarjimoonha.. untill he drew a line on the sand.. god forgives, there is a chance to everyone.. remember this scene?

Yes it was Satan, there is this guy yahoda I think, the backstabber, he's the one who told the roman about jesus's place, where he was hiding.. in return he got some money..

Jews were upset because the movie shows that all the torture was because of jews and it gives a very bad image about their religious people..

In Islam, they say that allah sawarlihom inna 3eesa bas ohwa elli wisha ib 3eesa ow jama3ta..

Spontaneousnessity said...

The movie was made to picture the last 12 hours of Jesus's life, which was the time they caught him till the time "as they believe" was brought sent back to life, so you had to know the story as they believe it in order to catch up, it's pretty similar to ours except a few details here and there.

Sarah said it all about the female sinner :) that girl "Monica Bellucci" was an adulteress who had to be stoned to death for sinning, she was saved by Jesus and ever since then she stayed with his mother.

that other creature in black is Satan and he gave me shivers!

Judas, is the betrayer as Sarah said, the Jewish leaders gave him money in order to tell on Jesus as they saw it was best to save the Jewish people from the Romans.

I loved how the part when Jesus was supposed to be dead and then a tear falls off the sky, very touching.

Spontaneousnessity said...

oh and in both Islam or Christianity, the Jewish people meant to torture Christ, so whether they tortured him or someone else God placed it's just awful to do that to anyone, they have been known for their awfulness.

shosho said...

There were parts in which the actors spoke in Hebrew, but in general the movie was in Aramic, an ancient language that is still spoken in parts of Syria. There was Latin ofcourse.

Yeah I recall I didn't have to rely on the subtitles to understand it :D

Purgatory said...

"I don't blame the Jews for getting upset at this movie, because there was no story at all, just torture. "

what do you want, a happy ending?

3baid said...

I wanted the movie to start by showing his miracles but it felt like it began at the ending :/

Temetwir said...

u do realize ena this isnt "christianity" as it was when naby allah 3eesa came..
that being said, the movie tells the story from the bible's point of view .. which was a recollection of the scholars (el asgifa) who sat down and basically "wrote" it .. lets not get into what they changed and what they didnt

so anyway, now that u watched the movie, u can disregard everything u "saw" if u want the "islam story of naby allah 3eesa"

the gist being, naby allah 3eesa wasnt "on Earth" when that happened .. and the whole father-son mardood 3alaiha bel qur'an

besmelah el ra7man elra7eem:
ما كان لله أن يتخذ من ولد سبحانه إذا قضى امرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون

o salfat The Holy Trinity [which i dont think was mentioned in the movie], and whats basically what the contemporary christiamns believe in ham mardod 3laiha :

لقد كفر الذين قالوا ان الله ثالث ثلالثة وما من اله الا اله واحد وان لم ينتهوا عما يقولون ليمسن الذين كفروا منهم عذاب اليم

all that aside, the movie did have a story .. u just had to know it beforehand so i see what ur missing :)

Nunu-San said...

The man in black is satan?! I thought it was jibrael or something =/

The mother didn't tear much but I did!!! =(

Flamingoliya said...

thank you all for the clarification! will get back to you again.

Papillona ® said...

vintage, el 3ibri aslan logha aarameya ;)

Spontaneousnessity said...

NuNu LOL! man you were way off!

Hopeless Poet said...

I never wanted to watch it from the start and I don't think I ever will! I don't like movies that are too famous :P

Flamingoliya said...

I eat nothing but cheese, nothing!

yes! it's very close to arabic! I understood some words! how come you know Hebrew?

don't eat while watching!

yes Satan was scary especially in the end of the movie when he was carrying a baby.
I remember the tear, but I didn't realize it was a tear! all I thought was what is this bubble! :s
now I know!

yes Aramic, that's what I heard. and yes I understood some words! I didn't know it was this close to arabic.


yes me too! I expected a full story!! that's why I was disappointed.

thanks alot for the info, too bad the movie didn't show all that. and welcome to the blog :)

LOL me too, I thought he was Jibreel. tough mother!

how come you all know HebreW?
the movie can have a story and focus on pain. but not a full movie just showing pain! you see, people like me wouldn't understand.
oh and I'm glad I'm forgiven :p

that's the most painful one :/

too famous movies are the best :P