Tuesday, June 26, 2007


We talked for an hour and a half. It was therapeutic. I didn't even have inspiration to write afterwards. It's because I was so relaxed that I needn't write anything. It was our first time alone together.
Her being sick, was a blessing.

مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائد

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Check the Deo Part :)

رسالة السنعوسي - النظافة

Flamingoliyan Quotes 2

Tragedy is what shapes a man.

Never expect a man out of mama's boy.

p & b may look the same, but would make a big difference when studying a man. I prefer the latter.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Apple I-rack

My first video link ever.

Flamingoliyan Quotes

A good teacher is one who applies and stands for what he/she teaches.

when illicit,
is not love

Why is it so hard for some people to say the "L" word?

A good friend told me that Jane Austin became famous and got recognized as a writer 200 years after her death; I am optimistic now.
(I so wish to become one while alive, I want to feel it's joy)

Thanks to 3baid's comment on this post, meeting a blogger really feels like meeting a friend.

If you like sugar intake, try to eat dark chocolate, preferably 85% Lindt , it's good for your health.

I start my day with turkish coffee, they say it's bad for your stomach. Now, I start my day with a little something to eat then turkish coffee.

I wonder how colleagues can chitchat first thing in the morning; I don't even have the power to smile. Thus, they think I am arrogant.

I am not arrogant, I just think I am always right even when I have doubts.

I have no time to edit now, good night

A big hug and a slimy wet kiss to all my readers. but for the male ones, من وراء حجاب

Remember my neighbour whom I connected with for wireless internet? He now added a password. (I swear I haven't done anything illegal)

Wondering how I'm connected now? I am sitting on a chair with my legs raised on the window to place my laptop on. Laptop is very close to the window glass, and I am connected to another neighbour. Easy, but I think I'm getting some bruises.

My batts are running off... G'bye!

I still haven't gotten an answer for my question on my previous post! Doesn't anyone know about the story?

Sunday, June 17, 2007


من شاف برنامج د. فوزية دريع اليوم؟

تقول آدم و حواء نزلا الى الأرض بسبب غلطة جنسية ؟

عيل اشسالفة التفاحة؟

I like red nail polish on me, but not on other women.

Friday, June 15, 2007


نتقابل بالخفاء ويرونا خلسة
يحدقون ويتهامسون
بماذا يا ترى يفكرون
هذا عازب وهذه عزباء
فلابد من وجود سبب لتلاقيهما
هو لا يفكر بشيء سوى صداقة بريئة
وهي لا تفكر بشيء سوى وجه مألوف
علاقتهما بريئة
ولكن من حولهما يبحث عن سهام جريئة
هما يعاندان ويثبتان طهارتهما
بينما قلبهما
grows fonder
يوما بعد يوم

نار اللهيب أشقى من نار الحب
ليت صعود الدرج سهل كنزوله

أخيرا .. أخيرا جاء اليوم الذي تغيرت فيه نظرتي اليك
يومها كنت مذهولة بهول الصعقة
أما الآن
وبعدما صعقت صعقة أشد
اشتد قلبي وأبى أن يقول اسمك

تمنيت أن يشبهني بسلمى حايك
بأنجلينا جولي
بفتاة الحي
بأي واحدة ... فقط أردت أن يشبهني

" أنت لا تشبهين أحد
unique أنا
" أنت هادئة ومريحة

لم تسعني الدنيا
وعلمت بأن تشبيهي بنفسي
هو أحلى تشبيه

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Loving Teddybear

I burn with jealousy when you mention her name
I wish it was me
but maybe it's for the best
Who knows what would happen if it was for us alone
I know I cannot handle you
but can you handle me?
I still feel the stir I felt when we climbed down the stairs that day
It was one of the best moments in my life
Solitude with my one and only
Unintended intentions
Innocent acts that aren't so innocent
Teddy bear, youth, fun, humour,
You are all the best things
Everything is perfect in you
I don't deserve you

Sunday, June 03, 2007

What Jughead and I Have in Common

We have so much in common

and again at The Avenues
How to know it's a women's toilet part3!

How to know it's a women's toilet (Part 2)

A great new shop called Bois and Chiffon is open at The Avenues. Lovely accessories for your home.

Two Pigeons on top of The Avenues lift

A kiss on the wall in a fitting room. Wonder what she was thinking. ya3ni khalisat el amakin?

These two pictures are from Mubarak Hospital. They looked like banana trees. The garden was green and well cared after. I wish they cared this much about their patients.

and last but not least, the bitten slippers. I found them close to a prayer hall.

Today I saw Ragheb Allameh at The Avenues. My heart leaped.