Tuesday, February 28, 2006


الحياة ليس لها معنى بدون حبيب
حتى الأكل ليس له طعم بدون حبيب
الأيام تمر بسرعه
والعمر يضيع

ماذا أنجزت؟

شهادة مدفونه في دولابي
عمل بعيد عن تخصصي ، ر
وان أخطأت، لاموني

دوام يبدأ قبل طلوع الفجر
مفارقة فراشي والحرب مع ذاتي
استعجال، عدم تسخين السيارة
ازدحام، فوضى
تمر ساعات وكأنها أيام

مقعد اشتكى من ثقلي المتزايد
مكتب وفوضى
شوكولاته وحلوى
قهوة تركية
وصديقة هندية

كاسبر وطاووس
نعنع وكابوس
مجاعة أشعر بها، ومعدة أسحق بها
مكالمة هاتفية، مجاملة ودية
همس وغزل، ليس له من نصيبي محل

معجب فيني اعتقدته، صديقتي كانت هدفه
سوالف، حش، ضحك وغش
واحده تبكي زوجها، الأخرى عائمة بصوت خطيبها
ابني نجح، ابنتي بلغت
فستق (أخضر) وحب
بنك وترمس وبصل

بصل فواح يؤكل
وبصل بالديو يقتل
كمبيوتر جديد لها
ولابتوب خفيف له
طابعة سريعة وملونه
لأناس لا يعرفون حتى معنى الحرفنه
سفره ودوره
وغدوه بره

الدنيا تدور من حولي
وأنا متجمدة في مكاني
لا حول ولا قوة
تبلد في المشاعر
الشيب يغزو شعري
الفئران تأكل بقية نثاري
وتمرد في الأعضاء

أفكر وأحتار
زمن يئدون البنت وهي صبية
أم زمن أضغط فيه على (انتر) وأحضى بالحب كهديه

الحب هدية موقوته

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I Can See a Rainbow

Here's the rainbow ya Delicate. I know it's not that clear, that's why I didn't post it earlier. But guess what? This was my best shot!


Thank you Broke :)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Year 2006 Valentines Report

1. I'm single.
2. This picture
(click click) resembles my mood in the morning.
3. I had a depressive talk with my friend who was pmsing about valentines and my mood radically changed to this:

4. I had to do something special. My friend wanted me to visit her, and I didn't want that on this day. So I decided to bond with my nephew.
5. I fed him mushroom soap for dinner (he's 2 and it was my first time, shame on me). I found out that he's a mushroom lover just like his aunt (me). I sacrificed the very few mushroom slices in the soap for him (I don't usually do that). I felt weak for his (abi masloom) request.
6. We watched Tom & Jerry. He didn't let me watch Oprah (Opla), although he likes her show.
7. We spent sometime reading flip flop books. I made sure like always that he recognizes flamingos. Only this time I didn't find the flamingo's flip flop head. Bird flue maybe?
8. We went to my room, sat on my bed, played
old mcdonald's song and danced.
9. I chatted with Salty. He enjoyed the fish background and wanted to hold the fish so bad (I need a screen cleaner now). He liked MSN winks. Whenever I changed the window, he said (abi sautti abi sautti.. sautti hilwa).
10. He ate my raisins, and chocolates.
11. He almost ate my pink silly putty thinking it's strawberry :/
12. I stamped his hands.
13. HE FARTED. It smelt so bad that I thought he pooped.
14. We hugged and kissed.
15. I spent quality time for the first time and found out how a great kid he is.
16. The feeling was mutual, cos for the first time he didn't want to leave :)
17. This is my impression now:

On a side note. I don't believe in celebrating Valentines. Love must be celebrated everyday. But when I see the whole world celebrating it. When I see the lovely chocolates, red hearts, teddy bears, and all Valentines specials in the markets, it appeals to me. So in the end, it seems to be a celebration of goodies mostly enjoyed by merchants. I have to admit though that this celebration brought me close to my nephew.

oo Tisbi7oon 3ala 7ob, 3ala golat Dr. Fawziya Duree' :)

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Waish Asawi?

شفتك وبطأت علشان ما أدعم وأنت يمي
يات وحده مستعيله وبالتترك عمت عيني
قلت أحقرها لأنها ما همتني
البنت إطلعت مستعيلة وظلت بالهرن ترقعني
ليما بقت تدعمني
يا ناس قولولي ويش أسوي
أتدوده وأدعم إذا شفته
وإلا أدودهم ويدعموني
تراها فشيله جدام المارين صوبي
سيارتي تسكربت بسبة واحد

بشوفته لمني

Love Kuwait?

Scared Expat?
Originally uploaded by I Love Q8.
Don't speed!

A public note: add such messages to your cars, much more useful than love notes, trademarks, football teams, and your nicknames or emails!!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What Would Muhammad Do?

What Would Muhammad Do? (click here to view source)
Published: Feb 7, 2006

We all, Muslims and people of other faiths, seem to be locked into a downward spiral of mutual mistrust and hostility based on self-perpetuating stereotypes.

As Muslims, we need to take a step back and ask ourselves, "What would the Prophet Muhammad do?"

Muslims are taught the tradition of the woman who would regularly throw trash on the prophet as he walked down a particular path. The prophet never responded in kind to the woman's abuse. Instead, when she one day failed to attack him, he went to her home to inquire about her condition.…

When he returned to Mecca after years of exile and personal attacks, he did not take revenge on the people of the city, but instead offered a general amnesty. … These are the examples that Muslims should follow as they express justifiable concern at the publication of the cartoons that were viewed as intentional attacks on the prophet.

This unfortunate episode can be used as a learning opportunity for people of all faiths who sincerely wish to know more about Islam and Muslims. It can also be viewed as a "teaching moment" for Muslims who want to exemplify the prophet's teachings through the example of their good character and dignified behavior in the face of provocation and abuse.

As the Quran states: "It may well be that God will bring about love (and friendship) between you and those with whom you are now at odds." (60:7)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My Inner Devil


Thank you Nunu

I don't do tags. But I found this one interesting cos I love drawing. I am tagging everyone reading this post.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Lurpack Cow

وصلني هذا التعقيب على بوستي السابق

صج ما فيكم خير يا عيالي
أنا الي رضعتكم وانتوا يهال
أنا الي رويت ظمأكم لما خلص حليب أمكم

تقاطعوني جذي؟

مالت عليكم

أنا وصديقاتي كلنا زعلانين منكم
ومتبرين منكم لي يوم الدين

المدللة سابقا
بقرة لورباك

Friday, February 03, 2006

Boycotting Danish Products POLL

Are you with or against boycotting Danish products?
I have no opinion
Free polls from Pollhost.com

Qualitynet Account

Qualitynet account doesn’t work for me after midnight. What about you?

Fastel account still not working.

Only When They're Dead

لم لا نحتفي بالذي نحب إلا في آخر أيامه؟
لم لا نشعر بقيمة الشخص ونذكر محاسنه إلا عندما يأخذه الموت؟


ليش كل ما شفته بالمواقف، أخوره بالسواقه؟ يا أدعم ، يا أركب الرصيف؟
ليش كل ما شفته بالشارع، ألاقي نفسي لاحقته؟
ليش لما أشوفه ماشي جدامي، ما أقدر أطل بوجهه؟
ليش مرته من جنبي، تحسسني أنه لمني
ليش لما أشوفه، مزاجي ينقلب وردي
ليش ريحة عطره تجنني وتخليني أنسى نفسي
ليش أذكر انه مره حبني، وأنسى أنه

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