Wednesday, December 08, 2004

سخرية الأقدار

كنت منهمكة بالقيام بعملي اليومي حين جاء الفراش الذي يختص عمله بالمطبخ لتحضير الشاي والقهوة لتقديم القهوة التركية بناء على طلبي، حينها طلبت منه أن يحمل الملف الثقيل على عاتقي إلى غرفة الأرشيف، مد يده وأخذ الملف قائلا: فايل روم (غرفة الملفات)؟، فقلت له: نعم، فانطلق الفراش من الجنسية الهندية إلى الغرفة متذمرا يهز رأسه وهو يتلفظ قائلا: أنا مراسل؟
إني معتادة على سماع تذمر العاملين حيث أن كل واحد منا يتمنى الحصول على وظيفة أفضل و مركز أعلى، مما يجعلني أتساءل، هل وظيفة الفراش أرقى من وظيفة المراسل؟ أم أنه مجرد عدم الرضا على أداء وظيفة ليست من تخصصه؟


Flamingoliya said...

No, it isn't his job, I just wanted a man's help and he was there!

Flamingoliya said...

To be fair in my answer, I had to ask the farash himself! He said that yes, they have a lot of work as they make coffee and tea. They keep going to the cafeteria the whole day but he seemed to be satisfied with that except for the fact that there are some people and I quote:” that Bedouin new employee who keeps calling the kitchen for about 10 times a day, not only for drinks but also for cigarettes and newspaper!” He announced that with a mocking smile. I laughed at his answer as another issue was raised; I did not know they knew our social groups!

Flamingoliya said...

Secretaries? How dare you talk about secretaries?
Aslan they are not secretaries! The one who works at the manager’s office is the manager herself! Nobody dares ask her for something as long as you know how to type, how to write, how to answer a phone call, and how to archive a file. They are usually busy checking manager’s email (that is chatting on MSN until email notification pops up). They have access for downloading; that is to be able to view PDF files sent by email (when most of us don’t, a thing that make consultants furious). And best of all they can leave work whenever boss leaves work early! They even come to work later than us; as boss does not race cars in the morning to sign at 7:30. Some do not accept people calling them secretaries because they had some other degree. By the way, I used to photo copy some important papers by myself sometimes for fear of lose or for some emergencies until the manager saw me one day and asked the secretary to forbid me from doing so. He thought he owned the machine although it is amwal 7okooma! He was completely ignorant for my sincere causes!