أقنعتني برؤيته، أغرتني بشخصيته، لطالما مدحته لي على الرغم من رفض أهلي له
كلمتني ذلك اليوم وهي سعيدة بطلب أهله لرؤيته لي، فهو فارس أحلامي، أقصد فارس أحلامها الذي تعتقد بأنه يصلح لي
انقبض قلبي وتحركت مصاريني، ولكن قلت مالمانع، فإني بكل الأحوال خارجة معها لتناول وجبة الإفطار حينها سيأتي فارس أحلامها ويراني خلسة
وضعت المسألة في كفي الميزان، سأجني زوج إن رآني وأعجبته
سأجني بوفيه فاخر إن رآني ولم أعجبه
وافقت، فالمسألة بدت سهلة وفيها كسب في كلتا الحالتين
كان في يوم إجازتي الذي عادة ما أقوم من النوم إلا ظهرا، ولكني استيقظت مبكرة ذاك اليوم حرصا على الموعد وبالأحرى خوفا منها فقد كانت شديدة الحرص على الحضور بالموعد لكي لا نأخره
فهي تعلم تمام العلم بأني حين تأخرت على المتقدم الذي سبقه والذي كان ينتظرني على العشاء قد فر بسبب تأخري ولا مبالاتي حين فضلت المزيد من التسوق وتأخير العشاء، حتى وإن وصلت إلى المطعم وأكلت بكل حياء ورزانة، علمت بعدها ببضعة أيام بأنه لم يصمد حتى قدومي وذهب
لم تكن تريد إعادة الكرة
وربما لم أرد أنا ذلك
Flaaamy ..laish chethy .. ma geltay shay :/
waiting impatiently ..
waiting :)
Broken & Ra-1
i didn't mean to. i'm slow in arabic typing and there were colleagues all around :/
good start
I wanna know more :/
waiting :)
بس مرة ثانية طولي البوست شوية لو سمحتي
Shosho, Blossom, Clouds, caramel & MsBaker.. thank you all for the encouragement! i just need time to type. as you can see, the blog isn't very arabic friendly.
frankly i feel responsible after reading your comments, i just hope i won't disappoint you when the end of the story comes! :)
nice post
thank you Sara :)
A comment I received by email:
one of my sisters got married by this way. she did not know that he is coming to see her. actually only mom and dad knew. y sister, brother and I had a small fight over dinner that day while he was watching:) anyhow, he liked my sister and now they are a happy couple with two boys and a girl.
Conclusion here:
1. ; Only Allah knows the path of happiness and salaa7 ...
الله العالم
وين السعادة
و الصالح فيه
2. the girl should not know about her being watched. It is his time to see her and decide. when he likes her and goes to her place she sees him and it would be her time to decide. so it is like giving both of them the chance to
see and to be seen. and i dont know why girls are sensitive about it. (its like taking the risk. if she knows about the thing, she takes the risk of being accepted or rejected as the man takes the risk of being accepted or rejected when he heads to her place, at least she, if she knows, can
pretend as she knows nothing but a man goes to her place can not pretend as he knows nothing about being seen).
3. seeing her in a restaurant or a public place is much less annoying
than doing that openly in her house.
Anonymous, thank you for sharing your view.. it was funny reading how he saw you fighting :)
some people tell the girl she's going to be seen to let her take extra care with the way she looks. some just can't keep it a secret from her; sometimes they are just too excited. sometimes it's the girl's request to tell her if she's going to be seen. she may also cancel her plans in the last minute not knowing there's a guy waiting.
sometimes the way they are all planning and preparing for the lunch out would make the girl suspect a match making.
when a guy sees a girl in a public place. what does he see? he sees the way she looks. so this feels like she is a commodity being examined.
but when it's the guy's turn to be seen in her house, he knows by entering the house he is accepted by the family primarily. so he goes there and the girl not only sees the way he looks (a thing that is not a girl's primary concern in accepting a guy) but also watches the way he speaks and listens to his thoughts. so incase she didn't like him whether the reason is his looks or his character, breaking it up later on and telling him there's no chance (mako naseeb) would be based on not finding him suitable (which should be a fine excuse).
a girl once told me that a guy refused her after seeing her at her house. she felt so bad for being rejected. why? because he didn't bother to talk to her. why and how did he refuse her? he must have judged her by her looks. she wished he talked to her; that way she would have accepted being rejected for more better reasons. rejecting her for her personality for example has far less damage on her ego than just judging her by her looks; examining the commodity that is.
3. yes a public place is better than home.
I do agree with anonymous too
seeing her in a public place and without telling her is the best thing to do
yalla flamingoliya we're waiting
by the way why do u hate writing in arabic?? :/
many people here prefer writing in english.. why is that?!
Flam thanks a lot for giving me the chance to comment.
as a guy, I think its the mother's of the girl responsibility to choose between telling or not telling her about being seen. subsequently, i am not responsible for any harm or agony the girl feels. the conclusion here is: dont blame the guy, blame the mother! a wise mother would ask her daughter to look and behave as usual.
when a guy goes to see a girl in a public place without let her knows his identity, that means he is accepting the girl primarily. he should have made that decision based on what he gathered of information! so contacting her mother to make seeing the girl possible is the last step not the first one.
i have been before in a situation where i am visiting the girl's house. I said almost nothing. Thus, its totally unfair to conclude that your friend was rejected because he didnt use the chance to judge her thoughts, rather he judged how she looks! this storry should make you appreciate to be seen in a public place without knowing that!
lastly, what other alternatives we have?
Vintage, as i expected:)
there are things i like telling in arabic. i'm practicing both languages anyway.
i don't hate arabic. but besides being slow in typing it, this blogger doesn't present arabic the correct way. it has problems with fasla, niq6a and such things. so in the end it doesn't look as i want it to be.
i'm afraid that there are no other alternatives :/ i'm sure this is somehow awkward for both men and women. but the way i see it, it's more awkward for women since the man (incase of getting rejected) can always and forever look for other women having the advantage of proposing. meaning, the feeling of being rejected can be easily amended.
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