When the traffic light went green, I kept looking at the cat eager to know what the real story was when a foreigner (fair, bulky, cute man) came out of no where for rescue. The traffic light was green but he didn't care. He risked his life and waved at the passing cars to stop. He leaned downwards and carried the dieing cat with a large thick paper. I was astonished by his humanly act. None of the passers by thought of stopping including myself and this man had just risked his life to carry away a dieing cat. I saw it breathing heavily with its mouth wide open and tongue partly sticking out just like what we've been doing the past few days with the humid weather.
The lessons I learned from this event are:
1. Animals have souls just like human beings. We should help an animal in need.
2. To be a giver without waiting for something in return. The guy risked his life for a cat who won't give him something in return. Neither money, nor masla7a wala wasta.
3. That not all inexplicable things are hocus pocus. A black cat lying in the middle of the street could be a real cat and not a jinni. That gaining extra kilos shouldn’t mean that my overweight friend gave me a bad eye; it could actually mean that I’m eating too much.
4. Seeing a cat resting in the street doesn't necessarily mean that it's dumb, it could be dieing and in need for your help.
5. Cat/Car accidents don’t have to end in blood and death, they can end in brain injury and broken bones.
6. If dialing 777 takes long and you think that the cat would be dead by the time the ambulance arrives, you can be your own emergency help.
7. Sacrifice and being selfless is a good deed.
8. Sacrifice and being selfless is sexy.
9. Sacrifice and being selfless and blond is sexier.