Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Lessons I Learned From a Stray Cat


I was at traffic light on a bridge that was far away from residential areas. A cat was resting in the middle of the street. I was shocked to see it alive as it's common when you see cats in the street they are usually dead or jumping up and down (dieing); but this cat was not. It was just resting there. All I thought was it could be either dumb or that its soul has left its body while it was sitting or simply a jinni. Being colored black, a jinni was the most reasonable answer especially that a car passed over it in front of me and it was still there and hasn’t moved an inch. A jinni it must be. That’s when I knew that I had to take a shot with my mobile camera.

When the traffic light went green, I kept looking at the cat eager to know what the real story was when a foreigner (fair, bulky, cute man) came out of no where for rescue. The traffic light was green but he didn't care. He risked his life and waved at the passing cars to stop. He leaned downwards and carried the dieing cat with a large thick paper. I was astonished by his humanly act. None of the passers by thought of stopping including myself and this man had just risked his life to carry away a dieing cat. I saw it breathing heavily with its mouth wide open and tongue partly sticking out just like what we've been doing the past few days with the humid weather.

The lessons I learned from this event are:

1. Animals have souls just like human beings. We should help an animal in need.
2. To be a giver without waiting for something in return. The guy risked his life for a cat who won't give him something in return. Neither money, nor masla7a wala wasta.
3. That not all inexplicable things are hocus pocus. A black cat lying in the middle of the street could be a real cat and not a jinni. That gaining extra kilos shouldn’t mean that my overweight friend gave me a bad eye; it could actually mean that I’m eating too much.

4. Seeing a cat resting in the street doesn't necessarily mean that it's dumb, it could be dieing and in need for your help.
5. Cat/Car accidents don’t have to end in blood and death, they can end in brain injury and broken bones.
6. If dialing 777 takes long and you think that the cat would be dead by the time the ambulance arrives, you can be your own emergency help.

7. Sacrifice and being selfless is a good deed.

8. Sacrifice and being selfless is sexy.

9. Sacrifice and being selfless and blond is sexier.

Monday, October 30, 2006

This is how they see us :(

First of all, I would like to congratulate myself and you for the wondrous rain we had tonight.

Today we got a comment on Kuwaiti Cosmo blog on The Unwritten Code

The comment goes like:

"I realy enjoy reading Blogs from Kuwaiti it showing the real life of normal people living their lives. While most of the information we get through the media of your region is of the grinding political disatisfaction and people out in the streets demonstrating and worse.

The best vacation I ever had in my life was to Morocco but have been afraid to return and only go to Moorish Spain for that vibe. A nice blog as viewed from London by Robert, I’ll be back" Posted by Style Scout

Somehow I remembered our foreign teachers back at school when they used to say that before coming to Kuwait they thought that they'd only find a desert, a camel, and an oil well.

Eid Sweets

متى يخلص حلو العيد وأفتك؟
عيزت وآنا آكل فيه

I went to a party. Girls were dancing; the good looking and the not so good looking but definitely confident. I was watching only; wishing I was confident enough. A friend's mother advised of enjoying one's self without putting up restrictions. That friend's mother advised too much. Finally, the advice hit me so I stood up, took off my not so comfy high heels and started dancing along with the rest of the girls who were "enjoying themselves even if they weren't that good looking, even if they didn't fit well in to their tight dress's, even if they didn't know how to dance well, even if their eyeliner extended from their eyes till their ears”. I took a few steps, very few steps when suddenly the music played got corrupted and everybody went back to their seats….

…..so much for confidence.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Red House

The Red House
Originally uploaded by flamingoliya.
What were they thinking when they bought this house and painted it red? Can't the neighbors complain?
Look at the original brownish color on the left side of the gate. It was so much nicer and eye friendly!


Originally uploaded by flamingoliya.
Look at what I found in our co-op! Artshi in 3arabic! mayloog killish!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

إعلان الحداد

سمبا سمبا سمباتيك
آنا حلوه حلوه وشيك

كنت أمشي وأغني هالغنية وفجأه سمعت صوت حليمه بولند ينادي من وراي
حليمه ماجيك

التفت وقلت لها
حليم، ولو شنو ما آخذ حليمه ماجيك

وأنا ملتفته، طحت بدرب الزلق لين لقيت نفسي بالفرية الي بينا وبين بيت عمي
تعلمت درس خصوصي من هالسالفة، اني ما أمشي سيده وأنا أطالع وراي

وأنا بالفريه، لقيت نفسي لابسه لبس السندريلا
و وراي أم خطيبي لاحقتني وماسكه بيدها امجوي

خرعتني، تعرجبت وطحت بالسكالكاكتا
قصدي طحت بالشقلوب

طلعلي العندليب فجأه من الفريج
قالي اشتري حليمه ماجيك وماتزعليهاش
قلتله مستحيل

كملت طريجي وترست بانزين

أمي جكتني

اتصلت فيني اتزفني ليما خلص رصيد مكالماتي

وفجأه طلعلي الامبراطور من بين الشبابيك وأنقذني وقالي صادوه

قلت له وي فشله شكلي بالكاميرا مو حلو غير عن الصج

قالي مدام سيم سيم مدام

مدام سيم سيم مدام

ارتفعت معنوياتي وأنا من يومها وأنا

أرقص وأغني وأقول
سمبا سمبا سمباتيك
آنا حلوه حلوه وشيك

أعلن الحداد تضامنا مع حمده

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sayid Abu Ali

شاهدت اليوم برنامج على قناة ........ تقدمه مذيعه مع رجل يطلق عليه سيد أبو علي وعليه سمه الساجدين على جبهته
كلما اتصل أحد طلب منه السيد بأن يذكر اسمه واسم والدته، وإن تحفظ المتصل عن ذكر الاسم على الهواء، وجدت السيد يقرأ ورقه بجانبه ذاكرا اول حرف من الاسم، وإن كان الاسم خطأ، فيكون اسم احد من اهل المتصل
على أساس أنه قد حصل على الاسم تحت الهواء
ولا أعلم مالمقصود بهذا، ويمكنكم تخمين ذلك بعد الانتهاء من قراءة الموضوع

يزعم السيد بمعرفة المستقبل والحاضر عن طريق علم الباراسيكولوجي، والذي يبعد عن الدجل والجن
أغلب المتصلين لديهم مشاكل فيحلها لهم عن طريق حجاب، أو ابيات وهي خليط من بعض الآيات والأدعيه، تردد بمئات أو آلاف المرات ولمدة اسبوع مع النفث والسجود، وذكر السيد بأن بعض الأبيات مأخوذة من زبور داوود

بمجرد معرفة السيد على اسم المتصل، يملي عليه وضعه الحالي ومستقبله، وأغلب النساء المتصلات طمأنهن بأن أزواجهن يحبوهن كثيرا ومن المستحيل أن يطلقوهن رغم عصبيتهن
كان السيد ينادي المتصلات بلقب مولاتي
اتصل زوجان وقال لهما بأن علاقتهما زينه ولا يحتاجون قرين

عرض السيد عدة مرات ورقة كلها طلاسم، قرأها لكي يثبتها المشاهدون ، توضع تحت الوسادة حتى لا يؤذيهم القرين
ولكي يمنع الحوامل من الاسقاط ولعدة اسباب اخرى

هذا ما استطعت أن أثبته من كلامه، حيث كنت مندهشه مما كنت أشاهد وكأني لأول مره أري بأم عيني أشياء كنت أسمع عنها ولا أستطع تخيلها
كان المتصلون يتبادلون التبريكات برمضان، والسيد بدا فخورا جدا بقدرته على مساعدة الناس البعيدة عن السحر
عدة نساء كن يائسات من مشاكلهن لدرجة البكاء وترجي المساعدة

شاهدت البرنامج على قناة .......... والتي ظهرت لي بالصدفه، حيث لم أسمع بها من قبل
استمر البرنامج من التاسعه وحتى الحادية عشر مساء

هدفي من نشر هذا الموضوع هو مشاركة ما أدهشني من أمر
أمر أحزنني وخصوصا ونحن في شهر رمضان الفضيل
فبدل الرجوع الى الله وطلب العون، لجأ أولائك المتصلون الى مشعوذ

الله يهديهم انشاء الله، والذي ادهشني أيضا هو وجود رقم الاتصال لمستخدمي ال
لم يتعاقدون مع برنامج كله شعوذه

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

You made me horny babe

I don't like it when mit7ajbat take off their hijab and wear fancy clothes for their fiancé. They say it is allowed in Islam. To me, whether it is allowed or not, it just doesn’t feel right. It’s like letting your fiancé check you out and see if you make him horny.

Can’t he just judge behind her regular clothes and hijab? And if she wanted to take it off, does she have to wear fancy clothes?

I am against men visiting women at home to check them out in the first visit just like what happens in arranged marriages. And now they tell me that they also take off their hijab? Would it matter if he knew what type of hair she has?
Salons straighten hair as well as make it curly... so what's new here?

commodity commodity commodity

for those who don't read my blog regularly and just checked it out because of the title.. GOTCHA!

Don’t miss the Lebanese expo at Sheraton tomorrow. For those who love Lebanon and are afraid to go there due to the current situation; Lebanon is here for you. I wish they have zaitoon o labneh oo za3tar oo goodies oo kebab oo hummos oo 3asafeer oo frogs! Can’t wait till tomorrow.

Why doesn't my blog show on my profile?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I got hit by a lady driver today. She checked out the damage and left off without saying a word to me. Nothing, nothing! No sorry, no apology, nothing!
What is wrong with people!!
I asked for her number and that was the only conversation we had!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006

I blew it


There are times when you need to shut up
and times when you need to speak up your mind

There are times when you need to defend yourself
and times when you need to hide behind your shelf

There are times when ignorance does wonders
and times when you speak nonsense

I blew it since day one;
just when the story had just begun


The only TV program I try to keep up with these days is Darb El Zalag. I never watched the whole series. People always mention it during conversations and I'm always like duh. They doubt my kuwaiti nationality for not understanding what they refer to. So now I am striving to gain my nationality back.. and watching the boring series. It is quiet funny, but I don't like slow sequence of events that we have in arab series.

I also watch shababeek? I'm not sure of it's name. It's the one that Abdul Nasser Darwish and Al Ballam act like women. It is funny. Silly I know, but funny. I wonder though, why imitating women for the sake of making a comedy has become a trend?

Yegool Mr. Hugo: "Don't imitate, innovate".

It's Ramadan.. anyone misses Sushi? Baroo7 akil al7een :)

my all time repeated P.S.

P.S. I will reply to old comments soon :S

Oh, umm, which reminds me.. When my secondary school teacher taught us the word "soon" she told us to simply remember the word "sansoon" :) and I haven't forgotten the word ever since. She was my best teacher. A very practical one who doesn't follow the "memorization" method.

I think I'm going to start "old school memories series". Some people think that memoirs of a single girl is depressing. I have some funny school memories but lots of miserable ones. I enjoy writing drama. I always think and fantasize about dramatic scenes that I actually end up tearing. Dunno why.. maybe dramatic writers feel the same?

My friend is picking me up at 10. Now it's 9:56 and still in my pyjamas!!



I feel so guilty I was so indulged in eating that I only heard 40% of my friend's talk. She asked about what ginger was. So I told her what it is and that you're supposed to eat it after eating sushi to kill the warms inside you. She freaked out LOL and kept thinking and worrying and asking me if I was sure. I told her that I wasn't sure if it's for warms it's most likely for preventing eggs from hatching inside your stomach. Now she REALLY felt sick. She told me that she had to cope with warms last year in her stomach and wasn't prepared to cope again! In the end, I had to comfort her and told her that it's simply for bacteria which sounded even worse for her. Now I know she won't sleep tonight. She decided that she won't order sushi ever again and will only stick with the salad and prawns.

It feels good finding someone to fool; for me being the victim most of the time.