First of all, I would like to congratulate myself and you for the wondrous rain we had tonight.
Today we got a comment on Kuwaiti Cosmo blog on The Unwritten Code
Today we got a comment on Kuwaiti Cosmo blog on The Unwritten Code
The comment goes like:
"I realy enjoy reading Blogs from Kuwaiti it showing the real life of normal people living their lives. While most of the information we get through the media of your region is of the grinding political disatisfaction and people out in the streets demonstrating and worse.
The best vacation I ever had in my life was to Morocco but have been afraid to return and only go to Moorish Spain for that vibe. A nice blog as viewed from London by Robert, I’ll be back" Posted by Style Scout
Somehow I remembered our foreign teachers back at school when they used to say that before coming to Kuwait they thought that they'd only find a desert, a camel, and an oil well.
"I realy enjoy reading Blogs from Kuwaiti it showing the real life of normal people living their lives. While most of the information we get through the media of your region is of the grinding political disatisfaction and people out in the streets demonstrating and worse.
The best vacation I ever had in my life was to Morocco but have been afraid to return and only go to Moorish Spain for that vibe. A nice blog as viewed from London by Robert, I’ll be back" Posted by Style Scout
Somehow I remembered our foreign teachers back at school when they used to say that before coming to Kuwait they thought that they'd only find a desert, a camel, and an oil well.
Ur attached picture Fits ur Topic in both sides !!
First side about raining FINALLY ;P ..
and the other is the eye of foreign ppl towords us !!
ya3ny 3araftay how to Choose el suitable pic !! 7adhaaaa OKAAAAY :) ALTHOUGH it's so simple .. :)
mashallah 3alaich ;) ..
Well, yeah i had canadian Frnd i can't forget her first QS when i introduced my self to her .. SHE WAS LIKE oh kuwait !!! ..
u have cars ?
u have buildings !!
and am just like "haw eshfeha hathy" :P LOL !!
bs sooner or later .. our lives style gonna be known ALL OVER THE WORLD .. Inshallah !
Thag kholgy :/
* The rain was amazing, bs ma shiba3t mina, aby ba3ad, i hope it rains again wagt athan khala9t d3awaty :P *
mabrook 3alaich rainich wi mabrook 3alay raini .. wi babrook 3ala el kil rainhom..hope everyone enjoyed it :)
"Somehow I remembered our foreign teachers back at school when they used to say that before coming to Kuwait they thought that they'd only find a desert, a camel, and an oil well"
i HATE it when they say that!!!
i must say though that in my last days of school teachers used to add "mercedes benz infront the TENT"
Foreign teachers still do that!!
true about the pic! I haven't thought of that! :)
mako ella e7na ensawwir el kuwait wen7i6ha eb
laytheeg khilgich.. at least you contributed in the change :)
wana ba3ad mashiba3t, i was out. next time i want to be at home, sitting bil 7osh, wearing... ummm... *nothing*.
enshalla ayyamna kilha rain, except the days I wear shamwa.
you're so much younger than I am ;)
oh no.. we have to do something. 3ad is full of nice pictures from Kuwait.
Mo tamritheeen 3ad!
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