Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I want an arabic-english online translator?

FTP free software?

any recommendations?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Does it Mean Anything?

A few weeks ago I had a dream of a distant relative whom I have no relationship with what so ever. I haven't even seen him in years. The dream was that we were together, we got along, and I was feeling comfortable.

I was surprised by this dream and didn't know its significance. Today at gran's, my aunt told me that that relative of mine is looking for a wife and that his mom asked her if she knows anyone suitable.

So, what do you think, should I give it a shot? He's a year younger btw.

On anazar note, tshek zis ouet:


Received by email

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Grandma, You Wouldn't Believe This!

Many times mom told us how lazy we are for not doing some house chores.

Many times mom complained about how spoiled we are.

Dear mom, I don't know what you're going to say when I buy this (click).


Dear grandma, now I know why you still can't figure out how beepers work. Technology is moving so fast.

Dear lazybum sis, you won't have to cringe again when your son poops.

Punctuality 6ee6

Just when life became easier and we finally got rid of the punching card system at work..
Just when they started relying on trust..
Just when I became a happier person
Just when I finally stopped worrying about morning crowds and car speed (Jewaira.. tara I am Libran)
Just when my dream of staying home and working through PC started to become real....
...a new manager got hired and suggested getting back to punctuality.

ما مدانا نتهنى

I feel like posting more, but I don't have the time

Monday, January 15, 2007


اليوم العصر كنت أسمع قناة التلفزيون على الراديو بالسيارة حيث كان الناس متجمعين في المركز العلمي لاحياء ذكرى رحيل الشيخ جابر
(من متى نحيى ذكرى رحيل موتانا؟)

قالت المذيعه هايدي بأن الجو اليوم دافيء بسبب هذه الذكرى وكأنها من بركاته (واو يا سلام!)
مما ذكرني بهذا الموضوع الذي كتبت عنه شروق قبل فتره
الحمد لله والشكر

كان الناس مجتمعين ليكتب كل منهم على أكبر ورقة رثاء والتي يبلغ طولها أكثر من 100 متر على ما أعتقد
(ما الهدف منها؟ هل يتوقعون ذكرهم في
guinness world records?)

حطوا أغنية حزينه غصب اتخلي الواحد يبكي، الأغنية جديده أول مره أسمعها

(من متى الناس اتسوي أغاني على الموتى
وما الفائده منها)

ألقت وحده قصيده رثاء للشيخ، وعبرت هي أو أخرى عن مدى حزنها وكأن الكويت ضاعت (لو انا الشيخ صباح و سامعه هالكلام جان زعلت)
بس أشوه ذكرت بأخر كلامها بأن عزاءها الوحيد هو الشيخ صباح ليستكمل المسيره

وعندما رجعت البيت وشفت التلفزيون، كانت المذيعه والمذيع و الفنانه هدى حسين كلهم لابسين أسود وبدون مكياج
انا خبري العزاء 3 أيام و بس

Friday, January 12, 2007

Tell Me a Joke...

...I'm bored.

An old joke I used to tell when I was a child:

A banana and a tomato were walking down the street. A car hit the tomato, so the banana said : " Oh, Ketchup!".
Then another car hit the banana, so the tomato said: "Oh banana split!".

Silly I know, but not if told by a cute little kid.

Tell me a joke, make me laugh!

Monday, January 08, 2007

So What's Your Secret?

Today I kissed Champions goodbye. My subscription was for one year and I've been only going there for a day or two per month. My weight is 5 grams more than last year.

I had my last massage session today. While my
masseuse was massaging my derriere, she asked me:"So, what's your secret?". I felt terrified with a 1000 thoughts in my head. Then it turned out that she meant my hair.

Check out
The Gender Genie.
Just copy any text you've written and let it tell you if the writer is male or female. I enjoyed copying text from other's blogs hehe. A fun way to see your or the other's inner gender.
(Special thanks for my world cup friend)

Check out also Miya's good deed post.

A delivery man came to my office with a huge, nicely wrapped box of chocolates. You Flamingoliya? Sign here!

Me? That's for me? Chocolate? .oOO YESSS! (GRIN)

Then I remembered the newly employed lady who has the same name.

Hey, delivery man, thanks for the 3 second lift of spirit.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

When you're sick, go to the Doctor

I've been sick for about 3 weeks now. Too many medications till I got sick from going back and forth to the Doctor. So I started having 2 pills of Panadol Extra every 6 hours last Friday and today I had to go to the Doctor because I wasn't getting any better. To my surprise, Panadol dosage I was taking was too much and caused me shaky hands. I did as prescribed on the packet! But my Doc. told me that that isn't right!

So the point is, do not take any medications even if they were as simple as Panadol.


Have you seen some sick people on Dr. Phil's show who get attached to their old belongings even when they are worn out? I am that kind of person. But thank God I am getting over this problem after seeing (myself) on TV. So this year, I got rid of many old clothes, and bags. Small bags that I had since I started wearing them!! But kept the first one ofcourse for memory (the second, and the third, oh and yes the forth too). Anyway, so I thought that I was recovering from my problem since now I got extra space in my cupboard for new clothes and bags.

Today I realized that my problem wasn't over. I was late for work because my car's Battery wasn't working. My boss made fun of me and told me that it's time I should start thinking of getting a whole new car. It took me a while to respond. He rang a bell. I had my car since 1998. I never thought that it was old. It works! It gets me where ever I want! The only times I ever thought of getting a new one were just liking a certain car for it's looks but not because my car is old and that I need to change it.

So the thought hit me. I felt attached. I got flashbacks of the memories we had together (3ishtaw, boy friend mo car). I felt that my boss insulted my car.

Later in the evening, and while I was shopping, a salesperson was watching me wearing my boots under the NEON lights. My good old boots. I found out that my boots looked old! (ma7kookeen). Oh My God, even my boots I didn't pay attention to! I love them so much that I was blind to it's wrinkles and white patches. I have other new shiny boots! Why wasn't I wearing them?! They are even the same color! Why haven't I thrown them away since I had newer ones!

So you see? The problem that I thought I was over with, wasn't. It goes around haunting me in every little precious thing I ever own.

On a side note, don't you hate Neon lights at fitting rooms? They make all things you thought you (waxed and/or unclogged) very visible!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

من اليوم ورايح

دروس اليوم من د. فوزية دريع

من اليوم ورايح
راح ألعب بالرمل
راح أشم السمك
راح أطبش بالماي

من اليوم ورايح
راح أحب كل شي من حواليني
راح ألم وأبوس أي أحد يمر يمي
سواء متبخر أو ياي من الحراي


فوق 18

اليوم تعلمت إن ليلحين في ناس تحب
إتصل واحد يبكي يريد الزواج من حبيبته التي إقترف الذنب معها ويريد الزواج منها ولكن أهلها غير موافقين

اليوم تعلمت إن المرأه إن لم يعاشرها زوجها لمدة 4 سنوات هذا لا يعني بالضروره بأن عذره مقبول بل يمكن أن يعني بأنه يفضل الأطفال على النساء


اليوم تعلمت بأن التأشير بيدي عند الحديث قد يقلق من أتحدث اليه الى درجة طلب المشورة من الدكتوره فوزيه دريع

وتصبحون على حب


Friday, January 05, 2007

You Asked for it!


I couldn't resist taking a shot of this lovely sock of my friend using HER mobile camera, SENT to me by HER through email, with the subject line: "You Can Blackmail Me if You Want!"

So here it is dear friend, you asked for it :P


A young man gave this little book (click) to my 3 year old nephew at a cafe today. He told him to read it when he grows up. This book comes in a small box and since I was standing behind my nephew, I only spotted a white box and the guy getting something out of it. I thought he was giving him a cigarette and asked: "What is it? Don't spoil him!"

Thank God he was a nice guy and explained that it was just a book and that there's no harm in it, asked about his name and wished him the best.

I just stood there without a word. I didn't even say sorry min el fashla. So, whoever you are, incase you're reading this, sorry!

When I got home, I started reading this book which I've seen many times at different bookshops but never dared to buy since I am always in denial about my age. So this time it was in my hands, and so I read.

It's a funny book about aging. There are jokes about being 50, 40, and many about being 30!
Now I feel insulted. 30 is middle age?!

Aham shay is that the feeling of guilt towards this guy is over. Now we're even.

"The first sign in growing old is needing a pair of glasses which reveals the second and third signs, the first wrinkle and the first white hair. The forth sign is the thirtieth birthday." Agnes Ring. Age 15



Say NO to Don

The Don a.k.a Kuwaiti Chopper Dude quit blogging (Posting)

He's an old blogger with a rich blog and losing him is like losing a member of the family (of bloggers)

Please Say NO to Don here!

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