Friday, January 07, 2005

jewelry expo

Re7t ma3rath el thahab. Gilt yemkin yemmmmkin alagi khatam eb 200 KD 3ashan 3ogob 20 years arawi khatimi 7ag e3yali wa7fadi wagoolehom hatha el khatam hadiyya min baba jabir. Bas lel asaf maligait shay 7ilo eb hal qeema. Bas eli 3ajjabni, enna how come they make 50% sale on Gold? 3ayal cham rab7een without sale?!

3ajabni wa7id bil dawam awwal ma enzalat el 200 ra7 seeda e7awwilhom to his KG daughters accounts. While in the meantime another colleague was complaining about her relative who was taking all the money for himself.

1 comment:

Flamingoliya said...

yabakhtich! i envy you. at least your obsession is affordable :)