
Monday, December 24, 2007
Remove Your Tags

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007

by EvansLight
عندما تحلقـنا حوله
كانت أنامله تداعب أوتار الغيتار
حيث كان يعزف لنا ألحاناً بسيطة
و يتغنى بكلمات أبسط
لم أفهم معناها
و كل ما أذكره منها هو كلمة شيفا
عندما تحلقـنا حوله
نسيت القيود
أبديت إعجابي
لم أبلع الكلمات
لم أخفِ النظرات
لم أستحِ طالما هو لا ينتمي إلى بيئتنا
بل غنيت معه و صفقت
وشعرت بأنني في عالم آخر
وردي .. جميل و بسيط أيضاً كبساطة ما غنى لنا
عندما تحلقـنا حوله
اختلطت طفولتي بأنوثتي
فأمام موسيقاه شعرت بأنني
في برنامج بارني
حين يغني مع الأطفال
و حين استسلمت لعينيه
شعرت بأنني في عالم وردي
يشبه قصص الحكاواتي
التي تفيض حكاياته بالرومانسية و الأحلام
عندما تحلقـنا حوله
مر الوقت سريعاً
و بما أنه كان يومه الأخير هنا
انتهت الأغنية
و توقف التصفيق
و لم يتسنَّ لي ابداء
رأي بكلماتي
لكني سعدت بالتعبير عن
مشاعري بنظراتي
و هذا كل ما في الأمر
أما هو فإلى المطار شد الرحال
Written by Flamingoliya
Edited by Broke
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
ريحته قهوة
يستقبل الخلق إلي يخافون الله
مساكين ما يدرون وين يروحون
المعاملة تاخذ أيام وشهور
يرشونهم بابتسامة وبتمرة
خطة يطفون فيها القلب المحترق بجمرة
بيت بسهالة يبلع فلوسك
وبصعوبة يرجعهم لك
مستغل حاجة الناس له
واسمه على غير مسمى
صبرت عليه وايد
بس شكلي منه بنحاش حتى بدون فوايد
بيت أعرفه
ولا أثق به
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I would give anything for a moment of love
It's the most pleasurable feeling
It's why God created us
Happy people are loved
Loved people live longer
Love is the cure for all illness'
It's the rule of the world
When adapted;
Peace would conquer
Monday, October 08, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
I feel cared for, admired
A feeling that's new to me;
It makes me fly;
It makes my veins dance;
My vocal cords sing,
And most of all, it makes me feel feminine.
A feeling I've missed for so long.
When I look into my soul,
I see my 7 year old self playing with Ken and Barbie
In a light blue world that is peaceful,
and where everything I wish for becomes true within my hands
My hands that used to make Ken and Barbie hug in the little garden of barbeer I collected from my moms diet salad.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My Name
Monday, September 17, 2007
Definition of GovernMENTAL work
Definition of Governmental Work
even if you don't work, or sleep on your desk, or go shopping, or even travel to Bahrain and come back.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Waiting for my daily slurp of fresh honey mixed with whole fat milk
It is not enough
I need more
I need the whole danish company on my lap
and forever slurp, my honeyed milk
مبارك عليكم الشهر
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Most of my writings are done this way, not in the morning ofcourse since I'm usually rushing to work, but whenever inspiration hits in, pouring it in to paper or keyboard, saving it, and not reading it gives the best results. The more you think, delete or correct, the more it gets difficult.
There were many times in which I posted then deleted what I wrote. I hope I don't get to do this anymore. Flamingoliya, just pretend blogspot is your safetybox, and that no one is reading, except some dear ones whom their inbox sometimes gets filled with my random thoughts.
بين ليلة و ضحاها
وجدت نفسي أسيرة لإهتمامه
و لأشياء كثيرة
لم تهزني في رجل غيره
أنا التي لطالما عشقت الحرية
أصبحت في قفصه .. بلا جناحين
فكلمة منه تروي روحي
المتعطشة للكلام الجميل
و همسة منه تجلعني أرى
الحائط الأبيض أمامي أخضراً
و صوت دعايات ام بي سي تو
عصافير مغردة
و لكن يا لسعادتي و شقائي
بما يفعله في دنياي و قلبي
فحبنا بلا أمل
و إعجابي بلا تعبير
و أمام كل تلك الحواجز
التي تفصلنا عن بعضنا
لا أملك إلا أن أحبه عن بعد
و أمضي
I am put on hold
My life stands still
I enjoy the moment
and wish it lasts forever
Chambers of my heart
are filled with his love
but once reality bites
my chambers empty
because of messages my brain sends
that vacums every rust
every stain
leaving me with only pain
Pain that withers
but then blooms
as soon as I listen to his tunes
be careful, go to sleep, it's not safe there
All birds are chippering
in my hearts trees
Let us both agree
to worship this devine love
this sacred insanity
Let us grow
let us play
let us run
let us sing
let us tickle
what is left in our hearts chains
I don't know why, but sometimes I hate reading people's mushy posts. I wish no one feels this way when reading mine!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Happy first working Thursday
From the Sound of Music
(Rodgers / Hammerstein)
Edelweiss, Edelweiss,
Every morning you greet me,
Small and White,
Clean and bright
You look happy to meet me..
Blossoms of snow may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever
Edelweiss Edelweiss
Bless my home land forever
Now comes the Kuwaiti version
Arfaj, Arfaj,
Every morning you greet me,
Small and grey,
Dusty and withered
You look thirsty to meet me..
Blossoms of dust may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever
Arfaj, Arfaj,
Bless my home land forever
Khalal, khalal
Every Augustyou greet me,
Small and plump,
Yellow and bright
You look edible to meet me..
Blossoms of desert may you bloom and grow,
Bloom and grow forever
Khalal, Khalal
Bless my home land forever
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Inner struggle
He calls;
I'm vulnerable;
I don't pick up the phone.
He sends a message;
I am relieved;
I don't have to call back.
The next day;
I am depressed;
I need to talk to someone.
I lay on my bed
He calls
I watch his name blinking on the screen;
Calling me "rescue is here",
and my mind tells me "the devil is here";
I ignore.
He hangs up
I feel guilty and yet,
I feel great relief
I defeated the devil
Saturday, July 28, 2007
What's so secret about hiding an email? Especially when you deal in real? Wallah I thought they were exchanging visa numbers.
What is it with some people who act freely online, while in real they pretend they don't even know you.
How come some men don't greet you in public or, when they are with their wives?
I don't understand...
I don't know how to act...
or how to respond anymore..
Don juan
He walks with pride. He talks with pride. They're all mad about him. He is cute, but he's not my type. I don't like work related Don juans. It's not the right atmosphere.
I always heard about it, but I just felt it. Why are all the good men taken?
I told him he was too young to get married. His defensive answer proved me right "I'm a man" (ana rayyaaaal) with a full chest and laid back shoulders.
Now he proved me more right, that he's having second thoughts after a loooooooong engagement period. Not to mention the reason for choosing her in the first place was her being very pretty (sarookh).
* Sharing a passion for something in common is very attractive and ...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Om-Tak3a Story
وصلني بالايميل:
في أحدى الأيام إلتقيت بشخص محترم ومؤدب ووقعت في الحب .
وعندما قررنا الزواج قررت أن أقدم أغلى التضحيات بالنسبة لي
وأتخلى عن أكل البقوليات وخاصة الفول. بعد بضعة اشهر من الزواج،
وفي يوم عبد ميلادي ، كنت في طريقي للعودةإلى المنزل بعد إنتهاء
دوامي في العمل تعطلت سيارتي في الطريق
وحيث أننا نعيش في الريف إتصلت بزوجي واخبرته انني سوف
أتأخر قليلاً حيث أنني مضطرة أن أعود إلى البيت مشياً على الأقدام .
في طريقي للعودة مررت بمحل صغير يبيع الفول وكانت رائحة الفول
أقوى من أن تكمل مسيرك دون أن تتوقف .
فقلت لنفسي أنني سوف آكل صحناً صغيراً ومن السهل جداً
التخلص من جميع آثار الفول أثناء سيري إلى البيت ، حيث أن الطريق طويل ،
فتوقفت عند المحل وإشتريت صحناً من الفول وأكلته
وأحسست بأنني مازلت جائعة فأكلت الصحن الثاني ثم الثالث .
في طريقي إلى المنزل حاولت جهدي أن أتخلص من جميع الغازات التي تملأ
بطني بسبب أكلي للفول .
عند وصولي إلى البيت رأيت زوجي ينتظرني عند الباب فرحاً لرؤيتي
وهو يقول لي " حبيبتي ، لقد عملت لك مفاجأة للعشاء الليلة "
وطلب مني أن أغطي عيني بقطعة قماش ، ثم أمسكني من يدي وأدخلني غرفة الطعام
وأجلسني على الكرسي ، وفي اللحظة التي أراد فيها أن يرفع العصابة من على عيني رن جرس الهاتف ،
فطلب مني أن أعده بأن لا أرفع العصابة حتى يكمل مكالمته ويعود .
وأثناء إنشغاله بالمكالمة بدأ مفعول الفول يظهر مرة أخرى ،
وأصبحت لا أستطيع أن أتحمل أكثر من ذلك فوجدتها فرصة ورفعت إحدى رجلي لأطلق سراح واحدة بصوت مزعج ودويي هائل عندها أحسست بفرحة غامرة وشعور بالنصر.
لم تكن طويلة ولكن كانت رائحتها قوية كرائحة الشاحنة المحملة بالسماد،
فرفعت المنديل من على رجلي وحركته يميناً وشمالاً لتحريك الهواء وإبعاد الرائحة .
وأحسست مرة أخرى بأني بحاجة إلى إطلاق واحدة أخرى تشيه الأولي أن لم تكن أقوي ،
وكنت ما أزال أسمع صوت زوجي يتكلم بالهاتف ففرحت و رفعت رجلي مرة أخرى
وأطلقت الثانية ثم الثالثة فالرابعة وأصبح المكان رائحته كريهة
كرائحة الملفوف المطبوخ ... وحيث أن زوجي مازال على الهاتف يتكلم
قلت في نفسي ستأخلص مما تبقى من الغازات في بطني وأخرجت الباقي
وأحسست بالراحة ولكن أصبحت رائحة المكان لا تطاق ...
ومرة أخرى حركت المنديل حتى تختفي الرائحة ، وبعد بضع دقائع سمعت زوجي
يودع الشخص الذي معه على الهاتف ورجع إلى الغرفة ، فرسمت على وجهي صورة
البراءة بحيث أنني لم أفعل أي شيء . ورفع زوجي العصابة من على عيني ،
تفاجئت بوجود 12 شخص حول مائدة الطعام يصفقون لي ويقولون : "عيد ميلاد سعيد "
من خجلي من الموقف أغمى علي
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The Basboosa Story
He told a story about a lady who called herself Basboosa. She made 25 men fall head over heels for her only by telephone; no one had ever seen her in real. This Basboosa lady turned out to be a guy; an Egyptian building security guard. He always received gifts from them, some of which were daily Kunafa in which he shared with his neighbor security guards.
oo 3ala 6arey el basboosa, I remember when a few years ago in Mecca when I had just finished my omra rituals and on my way back to the nearby hotel, a guy with a dish of basboosa came to me saying: " BAS BOSAH" in a cheap way. I felt sick to the stomach and MAD especially that I had just finished my omra and supposed to feel good and purified.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dr. Hiffff

أنا: دكتور اليوم فيني ..... فكنت غايبه
الدكتور: الله يعطيك العافية
أنا بتعجب: الله يعافيك
الدكتور: شالمطلوب؟
أنا: مرضية
الدكتور: هففففففففففففففففف
وايد أفكار وكلمات يات في بالي ماراح أكتبها لأنكم راح تكرهوني
الدكتور: هففففففف
الدكتور عطاني الورقة
أنا: شكرا
Today at 8 pm I read shopa's post about a play and decided to go. I knew I'd be late, and I also knew that in Kuwait, no one's precise in time. So at 9 sharp I was at the door and was surprised that the play was over! I only got to see the applause in the end and by that only, I was amazed. It seemed to be like a nice play; the music and the dancing. I didn't know we had such young talents. Worst thing was that the place was loaded with people and hot as hell.
As I left the building, I was feeling disappointed that I missed it, guilty for canceling my plan with my friend, and old cos (mani gayla).
I love my nephew more than his brother, because he looks like me. It makes me feel guilty.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Memoirs of A Single Girl (10)
A. Knock.. Knock..
B. Who's there?
A. Kha6eeb.
B. Kha6eeb who?
A. Kha6eeb erhabi.
B. Get lost!
Monday, July 16, 2007
A Dream Come True
Here are some things I wrote at different times during the past few days:
Why is my introversion perceived as being proud?
If I'm quiet or sitting alone It could mean that:
I have nothing to say, or,
I disagree but too polite to say it,
Not interested,
Have something better to do,
Can't mingle,
Not my type.
Best thing about having a meal in a restaurant with someone who isn't talkative is when you happen to sit close to a table of old Kuwaiti women gossiping; so amusing.
I want to go back to my own shell; it's much safer than the outside world
Since I'm usually the victim, and often naive, sometimes dumb and always slow, I got back at a policeman who offended me by calling me (emtan7a). Yes I yelled, swore and my body shook; thanks to PMS.
I am happy and stuck in my office the whole day, ONLY when my boss is on vacation. But when he's around, you don't find me. I can't stand him, I can't talk to him, and my stomach growls when I look at him.
Who watched Dr. Fawziya Duree last Sat.? It was hilarious and there will be a continuation next week so doesn't miss it. She interviewed the lawyer Khalid Abduljaleel.
He mentioned reasons for divorce in Kuwait. Reasons like: bad breath (a husband who never brushes his teeth), body odor (a husband who doesn't shower). His way of telling stories is funny and sarcastic, sak 3ala foziya bil kalam, he needs his own program.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Younger Guys
they are sweet,
they are tender,
they make you feel younger
They are fun,
they are as cute as honey bun.
They make you quiver,
under the hot Summer sun
Younger guys
are good for your health;
You can run
You can play
You can even fool with clay
Younger guys
are understanding
and are not so demanding
Younger guys
respect you
and are a good tease
Older guys
Who needs them?
They are only good in squeaking farts
Thursday, July 05, 2007
It Felt Different
Her bedroom was locked
I knew I wouldn't find her
But I had to prove it to myself
I had to go and check
I used her bathroom
I prayed in her room
Some stuff were packed
Her wheel chair was standing in the middle of the room
I touched it, felt the rubber handles
A paper with large writing was hung on the cupboard with the number of prayers as a reminder
I looked at the color of the rug as I sat of the floor after my prayers, the wooden cupboard infront of me, and the flowery curtains to my right;
"She had good taste" I thought
She loved flowery patterns whether on her dress, curtain, or couch
It felt strange
Being in her place, amongst her belongings
With her smell in the air
Without her being there
"A beatiful face without a name for so long.
A beatiful smile to hide the pain.
Did you ever know you're my hero,
and everythin I would like to be?"
(Bette Midler)
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Her being sick, was a blessing.
مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائد
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Flamingoliyan Quotes 2
Never expect a man out of mama's boy.
p & b may look the same, but would make a big difference when studying a man. I prefer the latter.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Flamingoliyan Quotes
when illicit,
is not love
Why is it so hard for some people to say the "L" word?
A good friend told me that Jane Austin became famous and got recognized as a writer 200 years after her death; I am optimistic now.
(I so wish to become one while alive, I want to feel it's joy)
Thanks to 3baid's comment on this post, meeting a blogger really feels like meeting a friend.
If you like sugar intake, try to eat dark chocolate, preferably 85% Lindt , it's good for your health.
I start my day with turkish coffee, they say it's bad for your stomach. Now, I start my day with a little something to eat then turkish coffee.
I wonder how colleagues can chitchat first thing in the morning; I don't even have the power to smile. Thus, they think I am arrogant.
I am not arrogant, I just think I am always right even when I have doubts.
I have no time to edit now, good night
A big hug and a slimy wet kiss to all my readers. but for the male ones, من وراء حجاب
Remember my neighbour whom I connected with for wireless internet? He now added a password. (I swear I haven't done anything illegal)
Wondering how I'm connected now? I am sitting on a chair with my legs raised on the window to place my laptop on. Laptop is very close to the window glass, and I am connected to another neighbour. Easy, but I think I'm getting some bruises.
My batts are running off... G'bye!
I still haven't gotten an answer for my question on my previous post! Doesn't anyone know about the story?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
من شاف برنامج د. فوزية دريع اليوم؟
تقول آدم و حواء نزلا الى الأرض بسبب غلطة جنسية ؟
عيل اشسالفة التفاحة؟
I like red nail polish on me, but not on other women.
Friday, June 15, 2007
يحدقون ويتهامسون
بماذا يا ترى يفكرون
هذا عازب وهذه عزباء
فلابد من وجود سبب لتلاقيهما
هو لا يفكر بشيء سوى صداقة بريئة
وهي لا تفكر بشيء سوى وجه مألوف
علاقتهما بريئة
ولكن من حولهما يبحث عن سهام جريئة
هما يعاندان ويثبتان طهارتهما
بينما قلبهما
grows fonder
يوما بعد يوم
نار اللهيب أشقى من نار الحب
ليت صعود الدرج سهل كنزوله
أخيرا .. أخيرا جاء اليوم الذي تغيرت فيه نظرتي اليك
يومها كنت مذهولة بهول الصعقة
أما الآن
وبعدما صعقت صعقة أشد
اشتد قلبي وأبى أن يقول اسمك
تمنيت أن يشبهني بسلمى حايك
بأنجلينا جولي
بفتاة الحي
بأي واحدة ... فقط أردت أن يشبهني
" أنت لا تشبهين أحد
unique أنا
" أنت هادئة ومريحة
لم تسعني الدنيا
وعلمت بأن تشبيهي بنفسي
هو أحلى تشبيه
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Loving Teddybear
I wish it was me
but maybe it's for the best
Who knows what would happen if it was for us alone
I know I cannot handle you
but can you handle me?
I still feel the stir I felt when we climbed down the stairs that day
It was one of the best moments in my life
Solitude with my one and only
Unintended intentions
Innocent acts that aren't so innocent
Teddy bear, youth, fun, humour,
You are all the best things
Everything is perfect in you
I don't deserve you
Sunday, June 03, 2007
What Jughead and I Have in Common
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and again at The Avenues
How to know it's a women's toilet part3!
How to know it's a women's toilet (Part 2)
A great new shop called Bois and Chiffon is open at The Avenues. Lovely accessories for your home.
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Two Pigeons on top of The Avenues lift
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A kiss on the wall in a fitting room. Wonder what she was thinking. ya3ni khalisat el amakin?
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These two pictures are from Mubarak Hospital. They looked like banana trees. The garden was green and well cared after. I wish they cared this much about their patients.
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Today I saw Ragheb Allameh at The Avenues. My heart leaped.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Gap Kuwait

Did she have to say women's? Do I have to get THAT look each time I ask for my size?
Jeans on the shelves were dusty too. I had to close my eyes to save my lenses.
Read Zahra's review
I saw Pirates of the Caribbean Part3. I and my friends laughed and kicked so hard while the rest of the audience were dead quiet. We weren't sure if we were the silly ones, or if the audience was too heavy blooded (damhom thigeel). I just googled heavy blooded to know if this adjective existed in English just like in Arabic and this is what I got
Aren't I posting too much lately? I'm not sure why, but I'm guessing my writer's block curse is gone. el 7imdella, mashalla, Allahu akbar.
Writer's block
Overcoming writer's block
The past few days, I've been connecting with our neighbours internet account ;D
wanasa, but it only works well on weekends. Is there a way he can know I'm connecting through his account?
Friday, May 25, 2007
Please Them Now
Today my parents are out. My sister is sitting in her locked room quietly reading a book. I did some laundry. I had some clothes that needed my touch but were left for long untouched. I've noticed that I and my sister do more stuff when my parents are out. We love home more. Maybe because we're free to do anything without anyone watching or dictating us. So in conclusion, we willingly do chores.
After my friend's father passed away, her siblings got the same effect. They were doing things their father wanted them to do in which they didn't when he was alive. These things could mean anything from simple house chores, visiting grandparents and family, or simply doing some grocery.
So my point is, why don't we all think about this, why not start thinking of pleasing our parents when they are here? or better yet, when they are alive?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A One Hour Diary
It's hard to keep my eyelids open. I slept all day last night. They are good in treating insomnia. Subhan Allah, it's strange how you see similarities between people of the same nationality; same voice, same way of speech. Now it just feels I'm in Mitwaly Sharawi's lecture.
Extroverts who speak fast and who aren't aware if you're listening or not seem to outnumber introverts. My head feels heavy, help me. I need my caffeine intake. Is there a kind of caffeine that helps you listen well and not fall asleep? Even if you have slept 12 hours last night? God, this is depressing. What would happen if I just left class?
So many times I went to check my eye sight and turned out I'm Ok. Boredom makes it hard to keep my eyes open. I am writing this infront of my instructor, and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm writing notes. It's a waste of time to give a lecture when no one's listening.
My God, my colleague actually fell asleep! I can't blame him, I really can't. If it weren't for this diary I'm writing I would've been snoring. I feel so guilty towards my lecturer. He's so indulged that he's unaware we're falling asleep.
He's bald. Thank God I am a woman and I have hair. How do bald men wash their head? Do they use shampoo or soap? Do they use a conditioner? I know it's silly to ask about conditioner, but how come their head shines? I can see the reflection of neon lights on his head.
He must have said "alright? clear?" (tamam, wathi7?) a million times while no one responded. Can't he get it?
I am not a nervous person who rocks her foot, but now I am doing so, maybe to keep myself awake? To keep my blood circulation moving?
Somehow my turkish coffee seems to be decaffeinated; the drug isn't working.
I discovered a treatment for insomnia, my management!
I wrote this during my orientation program. I got a headache afterwards and slept last night from 5pm till today 8am!
15 straight hours. I think I should consider finding another new job :p
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
qul a3uthu birab el falaq
سلمنا وسولفنا عالماشي وفجأة قالت :
محلوه شمسويه ؟!
صج؟ امسويه ريجيم
لا صج محلوه ..شمسويه؟
اي امسويه ريجيم !
لا من صجي.. شلون ؟
إييه !
انتي من قبل ضعيفه !
مو وايد.. سمنت .. من زمان ما شفتيني والحين رديت ضعفت
سكتت .. منبهره تخزني و مو مصدقه كلامي
ما أدري يعني.. تنطرني أقول امسويه عملية تجميل؟
Monday, May 21, 2007
Spontaneity Killed Flam
To my luck, she was with me today.
Have you been through the same? What did you do?
Had anyone surprised you? If yes, how did you feel? Those whom I met, don't answer please :P
Objection your honor
So where do you think I should get my hair done? Mustache waxed? Eyebrows threaded? Blackheads removed? (Yucky huh?)
Isn't it funny that in weddings you find not only the bride looking her best? But also the other women?
Isn't it funny that some legs only get sugared from a wedding party to another?
Isn't it?
Today's top achievement:
I went to Burger Boutique with my friend who had lunch and I ONLY ORDERED Espresso, without even tasting anything she had.
Will power to loose weight is the only way to loose weight!
Shoot me
I should get back to pen and paper again,maku 3alaihom
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Back to life
back to reality.
I've got a new job and I am not happy. Tomorrow's going to be my first day and it just feels like first day of school. I've had a long, loong, looong break and I don't feel like I've had enough. The past few weeks were the best days of my life, learned alot, seen alot, heard alot!
Now I've met me. Now I know what me wants. Me wants to live each day to the fullest. Me wants to enjoy her life. Me had discovered a whole new world. A world that she was blinded to see.... Me wants to make up for the lost years.
One piece of advice, never rush in to anything, trust your intuition, love yourself the most, love the people you have and not the ones you don't have.