Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Fashion News

Hey girls! Fulla has a new Abaya! :P


Here's a picture showing the old model for those who aren't up to date with fashion!


On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest admiration to mit7ajbat girls who seem to be the happiest this season being able to wear their knee high boots with short skirts.

You look silly!

I am sure that if it weren't for people's talk, they would've worn those sets in summer too.

Even those wearing their hijabs the way girls on MBC4 are wearing them, those are super models and there's no way your side tied hijab competes with theirs.

Oh and please, you can show off your rings or other jewelry, but there's no need for you to show us your ear lobe and your XXXL earrings.

Recently viewed alien sightings:

1. A lady fully dressed with a skirt, body, and jacket, AND niqab only without abaya.
2. Some ladies wearing a new abaya model with low waste cut!!! I didn't dare to take a shot for you, but will definitely do it if Fulla gets to wear one.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What's in Your Name?

My mother wanted to name me Basma (smile) when I was first born, but my dad didn't like the name. And since we live in a society where men are domineering, he won the game. He called me by a name of his choice.

Now, when I ask mom why she didn't fight for the name Basma, wanting to tease her for being dominated, she tells me that I used to be heavy blooded and rarely smiled. Thus, she does not regret not calling me Basma.
She thinks that the name Dam3a (tear) would've fit more.

My current name is a happy one too. People can't tell if I'm happy, because I hide my smile. Maybe if they had named me Basma I wouldn't have became so gloomy looking.

I do believe that names affect personality. Check out this link click click and find out what your name tells about you. And don't forget to tell me if what you read fits you or not. Let's study together our names and their effects.

Have a nice vacation, and please, always keep a Basma (smile) on your face. A Basma produces happy hormones, but don't do it overly because it increases wrinkles.

4 posts at a time, I'm suddenly inspired.


Do you actually Laugh Out Loud every time you type LOL?

A friend asked me this question while chatting, and I had to come up with a logical explanation since I don’t LOL for real at all times.


He told me we will be always together
I told him "ask your mother"

He told me "I want to be your brother"
I told him "go ask another"

Now, he sees me
and I see him

our love is stronger than ever


He used to tell me that love doesn't exist
She used to tell me that there's no happy love

I used to insist that love exists
I used to dream of happy love, though I suffered

He proved me wrong
I proved her right

It's Winter Time

مبروك حلول فصل الشتاء
I just turned off my AC

Saturday, December 24, 2005

For Flickraholics

or any one who's interested in photography. Don't miss out the photography exhibition click click

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cool & Romantic


This appartment catches my attention everytime I drive down the Gulf Road. There are always people in the balcony over looking the sea. Romantic Neons, don't you think?


This biker caught my attention. He was an old man wearing the full kuwaiti attire of dishdasha and qitra. I drove as fast as I could to take a shot, and this is what I came up with. Bummer, I wanted to read what was written on the back of his seat. They were 3 words, the last one was Za7ma!
What a cool old guy.

Khattaba in the toilet

I found this sticker on the toilet wall at marina cresent


a call card for a khattaba/match maker! khooosh mokan!


Click the picture for a larger view!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I Met Me

I am an indecisive person. A thing that is difficult most when shopping. My friends and family hate going out with me because I always keep them waiting for long. Some times I even end up buying nothing because I just couldn’t decide. I know that this is too much but that’s me no matter how I try to change. If I make up my decision fast enough, I end up regretting it and go back for a refund or an exchange.

Today, I met me. I had a strange encounter with someone with the same case. She was checking out some walking/singing teddy bears at the toys corner. They looked fun and cute so I stood there watching. She asked me which one I thought fit best for a one year old baby boy. She needed advice and I was there to help. We shopped a little together and she showed me all the toys she liked. It’s true that I can’t make up my own decisions but when it comes to people, I can decide in no time and they always turn out to be the perfect decisions. My friends even get mad sometimes when they end up ruining their budget and I, the one who helped them choosing, end up buying nothing.

I left the lady and went on shopping. It was a large place and on my way back, I saw her at the exact same place! That’s when the bell rang. That is me. That is how people see me. I checked out the whole shopping place while she was still in the same area trying to make a decision. Oh my god I can’t be like this. This is pathetic.

So I walked by her side and asked her why she was still shopping there. This time she was looking for a girl’s gift. She was holding two very similar puzzle games and couldn’t decide on one. So I told her that I liked the third one on the shelf. She said that she liked it too, but maybe that’s how we as adults see it, and not a 6 year old girl. Also, the girl liked green and that was blue. The two puzzles she was holding were green, so she wasn’t left with too many options for her to stand there for long. I told her to choose one and to take the whole set of matching bag and note book. She loved the idea, although they were there infront of her all this time but couldn’t think about it. That’s the typical me. I felt sorry for her and for myself. It’s really tiring and shopping for others makes it worse. You have to think of their age, their likes and dislikes; a thing that seems difficult especially when we can’t decide on our own liking.

I tried to be of help as much as I could because I felt her frustration. How many times I wished my mom, sister, or friend were there for an opinion.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

He Confessed

Me: Da3ait lee?

6abakh: Ee misa3 ana salli fog. Ana galb mal ana hibbak enta walla.
Hatha kanoon ehni lazim cham ya3ti 3ashan zawaj (mahar)?

Me: mako qanoon. Rajal wajed foloos ya3ti marah wajed foloos. Bas ako rajal eshwayya foloos, ya3ti marah eshwayya foloos.

6abakh: sij?! 3ayal mafi mushkil enta!

Ana fi bangladish lazim marah ya3ti rajjal. Etha marah abyath oo hilow, mafi mushkil, maya3ti rajjal foloos, aw ya3ti eshwayya.

Bas ako marah aswad, oo mo hilow, lazim ya3ti rajjal wajid foloos.

Monday, December 05, 2005

A One Year Old Autobiography

This time last year

I was introduced to the blog world by my sister. I wanted to write anonymously, so I found refuge in writing poems. She was around, and I had to keep my posts vague. In a matter of days, I’ve become hooked. I was obsessed with blogger’s profiles. I couldn’t sleep without posting.

I started my
memoirs of a single girl series. I wrote about work disappointments. I wrote about people’s pains. I wrote about children’s pains.

I shared my
joy, I shared my pain. I joined forces with the wonderful Kuwaiti single girls. I was imaginative sometimes, but I was mostly real.

No matter how
silly I sounded, you were there. You heard me gossip, you heard me wail. You un-huffed me.

dated, and I got engaged. I was drawn by Ray, and I was caught by my sister.

I had a year full of surprises. I lost friends, I lost loves. Blogging was one of the things I gained. I met wonderful people and my life has changed. I feel no more different. I feel no more incomplete. I send my
love to you all.

Fart Support Campaign Dedicated to A3sab

Wishful 6abakh

I gave 6abakh (a farrash at work) something. He mumbled something like "lasuirghxjuvleugncylsgdfysldnrgvlaibugylefixcbg" as he left. So I called him back and asked him about what he said. He said "ana gool Allah sawwi enta zawaj sor3a sor3a" and left giggling.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Update! False Alarm!

I received the news earlier by a text message from a friend. But now another friend who's a frequent customer called to make an appointment and the secretary answered! So, lavender is still open!

She asked about what happened and the secretary said that she's been getting calls all day from people asking about the same thing.

So it appears to be just a rumor and apparently from people wanting to ruin their reputation.

Sorry girls, I should've made sure before posting, my apologies.

My earlier post:
Lavender for massage at Al Muhallab Complex (Hawalli) has been shut down. They had SPY CAMS.
Shocking news is that it's owned by a Doctor!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Memoirs of a Single Girl (5)

مذكرات عانس 5

إنسي أمر الزواج

أنا: الأولى تجوزت، والتانيه تجهزت، والتالته خطبوها، خطبوها تعززت
هذه الأغنية تتماشى مع الخبرالسعيد الذي قلتيه، مبروك خطبة أختك

هي: الله يبارك فيك

قالتها وهي منخفضة الرأس، وعلى وجهها نظرة حزينة
استغربت من مزاجها، لم تلك النظرة الحزينة، صحيح أنها غير متزوجه حتى الآن، ولكن هذا لا يمنع من أن تكون سعيدة لأختها الصغرى
راودتني كعادتي شكوك في نفسي إن كنت قد أسأت لها بكلمة ما، ولكني كنت شديدة الحرص على عدم قول الفأل لك لعلمي بأنها قد ملت سماعها سنين طوال من الناس حولها وخصوصا في الأعراس أو حين تلقي خبر خطبة

أنا: ما بك يا صاحبتي، ألست سعيدة بخطبة أختك

هي: بالطبع نعم، ولكن

أنا: ولكن ماذا

هي: أبي

أنا: عسى ما شر

هي: أبي بارك لأختي التي خطبت، وتمنى الفأل لأختي الأخرى آخر العنقود، أما أنا، فلا

أنا: لماذا

نطقتها بكل استغراب ثم بدأت أحاسب نفسي لعدم تمني الفأل لها

هي: بالضبط، أنا إستغربت أكثر منك، فسألته مباشرة وماذا عني أنا، أليس لي حق في تمنيك

هنا لمحت دمعة في عينيها، تحاول جاهدة أن تخفيها بتوجيه نظرها للفوق تارة، ومن ثم للأرض لتكمل سرد قصتها

قال لي: أنت، أنت عديمة الفائدة

هنا لم أستطع كبح جماح نفسي فقاطعتها قائلة
أنا: ماذا، مع كل إحترامي لوالدك، ولكن،،، ولكن لم هذا القول

هي: هو يراني كبرت وقد طافني القطار، أما أختي فهي صغيرة، ولديها كل الميزات التي تؤهلها للزواج المبكر، ومن المؤكد أن تكون هي التالية، مما يجعلها مغترة بنفسها حتي علي، تخيلي، أنا أختها الكبرى
وأنهى أبي كلامه قائلا: إنسي أمر الزواج أو حتى الحلم به

لقد حزنت كثيرا لصاحبتي وخصوصا بأنها لا تقل جمالا عن أختها، ولكن نفسها الخجولة، الطيبه والمسالمة هي التي جعلت أخواتها تتفوقن عليها
وهكذا حطم الأب كل ذرة أمل كانت تمتلكها، هي ليست ناقصة، ولكن القدر لعب دوره أيضا في تلقيها خطاب ليسوا من أصلهم ولا فصلهم

أنا أستغرب من سماح الأب بأن تظل إبنته عانس على أن يزوجها بشخص ليس من قبيلتهم، وإن كان هذا الأمر لابد منه، فهل مصيرها العيش وحيدة تتلقى الإهانات من كل جانب، حتى من أقرب الناس لها، سندها وعضدها، أبيها

اللعنه على كل قانون إخترعه بني أدم لكي يفرق بينهم

تمنيت بأن أقول لها أهربي مع من تريدين ولكن
كيف أقول لها ذلك وهي أصلا متربية على دين إخترعه قومها، قانونه ينص على وجوب إجتياز الخطيب إختبار معايير الأصل والفصل مع السماح بغض البصر عن بعض أوصافه أو خلقه

هي تعاني، نعم، ولكنها متشبعة بنهج عشيرتها

وفي النهاية، اسمحوا لي بأن أتحفكم بمعلومة صغيرة تناقض فحوى القصة

أم صاحبتي لا تنتمي لا لعشيرتهم، ولا لدمهم، لا لأصلهم، ولا حتى لبلدهم
أم صاحبتي تأتي من بلد بعيد، شعبه يتحدث بلغة غير مفهومة، ويعبد إلها غير إلهنا
ولكنها ما شاء الله تعرف قوانين شعبنا أكثر مني ومنكم، وتحفظ منهج عشيرة زوجها على أكمل وجه وتطبقه بالكمال والتمام

عاش شعب يحلل لنفسه ما يحرم لغيره

آه عليك يا صاحبتي

مذكرات عانس 4

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I'm No Giant

I went to Munira Complex (opposite to Marks&Spencer) where they have a shop called (My Size). I heard that they have XL shoes. So I went to check it out for the first time. And guess what sizes they have? Not just XL! But XXXL!

Most shops have 41 as their biggest size and very few ones have 42. But this one OMG they start with 43 till 46! Imagine! Yes it is true and I am not kidding!

I stood there startled and started my usual nosey questions like “do you have customers who buy these sizes?” so the information I got from the salesperson is the following:

They get many customers especially as the salesperson described them “men who are like females. They like wearing women’s shoes and they can’t find them anywhere else”.

I immediately remembered the actor Abdul Nasser Darweesh who usually performs as a female and always wondered where he got his shoes from. So she said yes, we get actors too.

The shop has been open for four years.

There was a pair of golden high heels that Oprah Winfrey wears, she said.

Their shoes are made in USA, china, and Indonesia. The pricing ranges between 20 and KD45 which is rather expensive compared to their quality.

Just before I left, I took their card “in case of an emergency” and walked out feeling so petite. It was the first time I’ve ever been to a shoe store where all shoes are bigger than my size.

Oh yes, it feels goooooood.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Life Lessons

"I will meet you yesterday"
"I saw you tomorrow"

You see what’s wrong with these sentences?

I made fun of someone and now I am infected!

The lesson leared: Never, never laugh or make fun of anybody!


On behalf of myself and my species, I am sorry to have caused you THE HORROR

First it was the Oil Spill
Then it was Mad Cow
Now it’s
Bird Flu
I wonder what’s next

Yours, Na77ama

Friday, November 11, 2005


Can you believe that someone took a loan to make girge3an for her kids?
I can't, but it's true :/

Monday, November 07, 2005


Weird things happening these days..

I got an SMS from an anonymous number saying: (I'm typing it the same way I received it)

SMS:Hi, how r u?
Me: who’s this?
SMS:Im Shayne, U remember me?
Me: Shayne who?
SMS: Shayne lopez. R u mr William Briton? The frend of bel? If nt then may I knw u? If u dnt mind.
Me: I only know jenifer lopez ;) so I guess it’s a wrong number dear.
SMS: Hahaha! Im sori, maybe now u got 2 lopez’s Shayne & jennfr. Can we be frends dear?

I didn’t reply..

SMS: What nationality r u? R u my KABAYAN?

Is this a new way of meeting people?

Go away, leave me alone

I was in the midst of my morning tight sleep after spending the whole night catching up with blogs and replying to old comments. I woke up at around 10 and switched on my mobile. My mobile beeped; it was a voice message from my boss. OMG mo rathya etkhaleeni at`hanna eb ejazty. She wanted me to call her for an extremely important issue. Do I feel important or what?

Timaqqa6t in bed trying to ignore her, but I couldn’t do it. Shasawi, 3indi thameer. I know she dared to call because she knows I’m single and probably mitsharqida in bed doing nothing. Yeah, she’s one of those who envy me for not having any responsibilities. Many times she wanted to give me Homework but I decline. She assumes that people like me don’t need vacation or don’t need rest at home.

And so I called, back to my thameer 7ay. I did it because I couldn’t fall asleep again. She greeted me with “embarak 3alailch el shahar”. Imagine! And so I replied with the same. And then she interrupted and changed it to “3eedich embarak, taqabbal Allah 6a3tich”. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one sleeping.

She asked me about something so silly and accused me of some work she thought I did wrong. Only to get a call from her after 3 hours telling me I was right.

And so, my morning plans were messed up and didn’t achieve anything.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Sadia Party


Sadia cat had a slumber party the next day. She turned out to be a mean cat just like what Salted-caramel said. I was sad that she didn’t invite me over and couldn’t sleep that night thinking what was wrong with me. So I started my yahoo search and found this quiz ; I turned out to be a Persian cat (no wonder my hair falls out).

I am now looking for new friends, are there any Persian cats out there?

My Eid kiss

I was never kissed by a man; other than my close relatives of course. But today, the 3rd day of Eid was special. I got almost kissed by a handsome guy.

I was at some co-op checking out Immac wax strips; when a handsome guy around 20 of age came to me smiling and greeting me with “salamu alaikom”. A guy I’ve never seen in my entire life. He extended his hand for a hand shake while I stood there frozen like a chicken. He leaned forward and wanted to kiss. I froze even more. I was gob smacked. All I was thinking was who he is. Do I know him? Is it polite to hold back the hand shake and the kiss? Should I kiss him back? I didn’t utter a word. I didn’t even ask who he is. I did not move. The only answer I got was this must be the hidden camera show. You know after this Ramadan series of “Sadooh” expect the unexpected, expect sexual harassment. Except this time the actor is young, clean, and handsome.

When the guy saw no response, he leaned back, pushed his cart wheel and went away repeating “salamu alaikom”. I stayed frozen there without a single move watching him as he left and looking around for superman to rescue me from the fright I was in or for the candid camera to show up. A woman came my way telling her daughters “poor man, he’s sick; maskeen mo sa7i”. That’s when my head bulb lit. I walked slow trying to feel at ease again then spotted a man with a cart wheel coming my way again. I wasn’t 100% sure if it was him or not but I felt like I couldn’t stay there anymore. So I ran out of the co-op and bought nothing.

The idea that the guy might be sick didn’t cross my mind because they usually don’t look young and neat. So I only thought that he might be acting this way to get a kiss from me.

Whatever his case was, it’s hard to judge and difficult to control the reaction in such situations. Thank God it was at clear day light at a co-op and not some dark out of sight area.

On another note, how come when I was at the SAS hotel entrance the man in the car in front of me got just a car security check plus my family in the other two cars? While when it was my turn, a Kuwaiti security man came out of his cabinet and asked for my civil ID card? Do I look suspicious or what?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Sadia Home Delivery

Eat me purrr. I'm delicious.


Really delicious.


Full of pride, and I taste better than chicken.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Monkey

حكايات موزه وخضره

أم موزه تنظر الى ابنتها وتقول

الأم،، والله بشرتك حلوه

موزه تبتسم، تختفي عينيها، تظهر قمازاتها، ويحمر وجهها وتقهقه وتقول

موزه،، يمه، صج

الأم تنظر بكل اعجاب وتقول

الأم،، والله وجهك نضر، بشرتك حلوه، خدودك ورديه، اسنانك تتلامع

موزه تلف وجهها يمينا ويسارا من الخجل لا تدري كيف تعبر عن فرحتها، فتدس وجهها بين ركبتي والدتها، تمسح عليهما وتقهقه وهي في قمة سعادتها وتسأل مره أخرى

موزه،، يمه، صج، صج

الأم هنا تؤكد كلامها

موزه تحاول شرح الموضوع لتقنع نفسها بأنها حلوه أو لربما تبرر مصدر هذه الحلاة

موزه،، نعم، هذا من نور الايمان، هذا من الأكل الذي يورد خدي، هذا من الكبة والتشريبه

هنا تتدخل خضره أخت موزه وتقول

خضره،، هذا كله من كريم البشرة الجديد الذي تستخدمينه

هنا موزه بدأت تفكر، وكأن تعليق أختها الذي بدا اما واقعي أو ينم عن غيره، أيا كان الأمر، موزه حادثت نفسها تحاول معرفة الحقيقة، تحادث نفسها وتقول بصمت

موزه،، هل أنا حقا حلوه، أم أن القرد بعين أمه غزال

مقوله كانت دائما ترددها لها خضره سنين طوال

I Want a Poet

أريده شاعرا

أريد زوجا شاعرا
شكل نزار قباني يعجبني وهو يكتب شعره
وهو يتغنى به
وهو يتغزل به


ماذا لو افتضح نفسه
ماذا لو اكتشفت خيانته
أو ظهر نوعا من البغض

هل سأصدق كلامه بأن نصف الشعر خيال
أم سأصدق حدسي ويدق ناقوس الخطر

أظنني لست بأفضل من زوجة نزار قباني
أظنها صبرت كثيرا

أنا والصبر أعداء
لا أريد شاعرا

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The count down had begun

The more I grow up, the more I learn about men, the less I want to stick with a man for the rest of my life through marriage.
Now I understand what men mean by wanting to marry a young woman in her late teens. Now I know what they mean by wanting to mold her. Oh yes now I know. Because I don’t think I can get molded now.

I surprise myself with late night inspirations. I know that if I hadn’t written all of the above instantly, I wouldn’t have made it at a later time.

High heels and I

I confess that I have powers or in Kuwaiti terms, bad eyes. I for starters don’t like high heels especially the very thin and very high ones. I think they look cheap and I hate the sound of them. The last high heels I bought had that sound which I hated so I stuck a piece of rubber underneath to prevent the sound.
So to cut the story short, I noticed that whenever I lay my eyes on high heels, the woman trips. Believe me it is not intentional. I swear that it is not. She either trips or her shoes fall. It reached a point that one of my victims had a humpty dumpty great fall. She couldn’t move her feet. She was taken by the ambulance and stayed 2 or 3 weeks at home. She sprained her knees.

I thought that my problem was only with high heels. But, last time I went to the co-op two couples were walking in front of me heading for their car. I was pissed at the man who was totally dependent on his wife. She was pushing the cart wheel full of groceries with her baby seated on the baby seat too. So what happened? Suddenly things started falling from the cart wheel and the husband started colleting cucumbers and the rest of the vegetables which were placed at the bottom of the cart wheel.

I tried to test my powers if they work intentionally like for people who deserve it or people I don’t like but it didn’t work. It all works unconsciously.

Car Crash

Every now and then, I find out that my car has been crashed. When or where? How or by whom? I don’t know. I just fixed my broken light shield a few weeks ago, only to find today that the other is broken too.
I’ve been getting such crashes since I bought my car. I don’t know whether there’s something wrong with my car for getting such sudden crashes, and therefore buy a new one or if this is common in Kuwait.
Two weeks ago I decided to buy a new car, only to get hit the next morning. Was it a sign for me to insist on buying one or the opposite?

The Street Cat

Three days ago I saw a cat lying on the left side of the highway. It appeared to be dead and the reason of death was definitely a car crash. I thought of dialing the emergency number 777 but I wasn’t sure if they’d help as they never helped me. The next day I saw her in the same place but her body was half way squeezed. Yesterday, I saw her bones. And today, I saw her hair only.

She’s been lying there for four days and who knows, I might see her even tomorrow.

When I was driving back home today, thinking of this event I almost crashed a cat but turned away at the last minute. Was it the heaven's vengeance or the dead cat’s curse?

The maid and the doctor

I took our maid today to the doctor. Both her hands were inflamed because of the use of soap. When the doctor saw her, he gasped and said bluntly “What happened to you? What have you done to yourself?!” I didn’t like the way he uttered those words. It sounded like an accusation. Of course she doesn’t understand Arabic so I explained to him in defense!

I despised the doctor for the way he treated her. He ruined the picture I had in mind last time I checked with him when he was surprised at my age. He thought I was twelve years younger and that I entered with another’s civil ID! It was the best compliment I got this year.

Doctors here don’t treat domestic manpower well. For this reason a friend of mine took her maid to a private hospital just to get a proper treatment; a thing that didn’t work there either. To the contrary, they were surprised at how come she was paying for her treatment while she can get it for free. In the end, my friend herself found out what her maid suffered from by guessing because the maid had the same symptoms my friend had one day. And guess what? It turned out to be a serious disease that caused sever pain.

This ill treatment reached the extent that once our maid fell unconscious and when the paramedics arrived they did nothing and told us that she must be pretending. They wouldn’t even touch her or carry her until they finally realized that she was really unconscious! What they did was to use one of our perfumes and when it didn’t work they carried her to hospital with the help of our other maid! Yeah, two men couldn’t carry her alone although she wasn’t fat.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


1. New vocab:
Sayyid Shamshoon = Bart Simpson

2. Our maid thinks ligga7 water is wine.

3. A Kuwaiti actress reminds me a lot of Khathooga. Guess who she is?

4. Su7oor tip:
Drink KDD chocolate milk before dawn.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ramadan Update

1. I’ve become a TV addict.
2. I’m in love with Nizar Qabbani.

أشوه يعرض اخر الليل، لتهدء نفسي وأعصابي بعد التعرض للتلوث الضوضائي والبصري من مشاهدة ممثلات الخليج


This is my impression of Khaleeji actress’

Hisham makes me laugh by the end of the day too after watching too much Khaleeji drama.

عمري ما تحليت على اللهجة السعودية الا بعد سماع هشام

لا أستطيع تقبل تركي كأمير القلوب بعد فشله في برنامج الوادي، شخصيتان متناقضتان تماما

4. I cooked! (had to compete with MsBaker, Equalizer and Ray) Puff pastry filled with mint and cheddar cheese. It was easy but spreading the dough gave me a back ache right after having a massage session (wrong timing).

5. Made a change in my dream man quality list:
Shifted (a good masseur) from (blessing category) in to (essentials).

6. I couldn’t stop giggling when I said hello to a colleague. It was a confusing situation as I didn’t know what to say. She told us that she had a (la7miyya) operation while her sick leave paper said cosmetic nose job.

7. I get a headache when I fast. I miss my morning coffee.

Singing ….(It’s a heart ache)

It’s a headache
Nothing but a headache
Hits you when you’re fasting
Hits you in ramadaaan aaaaan

I miss my coffee
Oh my coffee
Bring me my big mug
Bring me my caffeeeeeine, intake!

8. I gained one kilo.

9. Didn’t start shopping for Eid outfit.

10. Michael Jackson once said:
"I’m Peter Pan at heart"
That’s how I feel now since my b-day is approaching.

11. I can hardly open my eyes and drive in the morning jam.

12. I still haven’t had a vacation this year. I’m waiting for winter. Maybe by then I’d have a ride with The Don.

13. Ok now I can go to bed.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Ramadan ,The month of fasting
Originally uploaded by s3ood.
I wish there was divorce between friends like there is between married people. People change through out the years. Childhood friends though share history, can greatly grow apart mentally and emotionally.

A Soul mate can suffocate
Love turns to hate
A Best friend can turn to
Just a friend

I need a lawyer.

Mubarak 3alaikom el shahar. This is a chance for blogaholics to cut down on their blog addiction. Make use of this holy month. Read Quran, pray more, go to the mosque, ask for forgiveness.

I myself was planning to blog less, but here I am posting since day one! I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Memoirs of a Single Girl (4)

مذكرات عانس 4

الخطيب التحفة

Singing for Shania Twain:
It’s in the way you love me
It’s in the way you hold me

... It’s in the way you propose to me!

لست أنت فقط، بل مجموعة أخرى مثلك
أهلى يطلبون مني أن أفكر بك قبل أن أرفضك، كيف أفكر بك وقد حكمت عليك منذ الوهلة الأولى
نعم، الانطباع الأول له مفعوله، وأعتقد بأنه واقعي
أنت تأتيني الى السيارة وتطلب يدي مباشرة وتطلب مني أن أفكر بالموضوع على الرغم من أني لا أعرفك بتاتا
أنت مجرد زميل لي لا أعرف سوى اسمك، ولم يسبق لنا اللقاء أو الحديث معا

أما الآخر، يأتيني الى المكتب يعرفني باسمه ثم يطلب رقم هاتف المنزل

والثالث، يهاتف زميلاتي للسؤال عن تحركاتي، ومن ثم يرسل أخته لكي تخطبني مباشرة بالهاتف، دون أخذ والدي بعين الاعتبار، وتفتضحك أختك وتقول بأن لبسي يعجبك، كيف لي أن أتعجب، فنحن لم نتقابل قط

اما الرابع والذي أطلق عليه الخطيب التحفة
يتصل بي في مقر عملي، يسلم علي ويبدي اعجابه ورغبته بالارتباط بي، على الرغم من أني لا أعرفه بتاتا ولم أشاهده قط، لا يعترف بخطبتي مباشرة من أهلي الا بعد التعرف علي بغرض الزواج، وحين رفضت فكرة التعرف من وراء أهلي

ماذا حدث

شتم وسب يمسني ويمس أهلي

أرد وأقول
It’s in the way you propose to me

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Saturday, October 01, 2005


I admire them both. The thing is, they both proposed at the same time. Whom do you think I should choose?



Sometimes.. (Part 1)


.. I scare myself.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Bush cricket
Originally uploaded by Lord V.
He reminds me of Al Na7la Zaina cartoon. The cricket that used to jump saying houbla houblaaa. He was a cricket, wasn't he?

Cyber Condolences

There was bad news from flickr buddies this week. A fellow flickrite passed away. Though I haven't known her before nor visited her photo stream but the news really made me sad. I wonder how it would feel if she was one of the people I knew cyberly. It's amazing how one gets attached through cyber space. It's a community indeed.

Right after I read the news, I immediately thought of myself when my day comes. So I already made my will. I asked my sister to post about me.

So since this blog is my only possession, I suggest to anyone who's interested in publishing it (yeah right) to donate the profit for charity.

About the picture, it’s a House Fly starting to blow a bubble. Click on it to read more. Uploaded by Lord V.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Short Stories, Enjoy

رفس صدرها بكفه الخشن، صرخ:ـ حتى لحظة موتك.. لن أطلقكِ.
هددت:ـ" سأنتحر". هرعت إلى الحمام.. عبت زجاجة (الكلوركس).
خرج من البيت مرفرفاً:ـ غداً يصبح كل شيء ملكي.. أنا وريثها الوحيد

عيناها مركزتان على الشاشة. حفل ساهر. ممثلات يلتمعن بملابسهن الأنيقة ومجوهراتهن الثمينة. الموائد عامرة.. لحوم، أسماك، سلطات غريبة، فواكه، حلويات. شعرت بأن رائحة الطعام تخترق مساماتها. يدها، بهدوء، تستل كسرة خبز مدهونة بالزيت والزعتر. يدها الأخرى تلوك ثقوب فستانها القديم.

جلس على الرصيف ماداً يده إلى المارة. في المرة الأولى جمع ديناراً. في الثانية جمع مائة دينار. في الثالثة جمع ألف دينار. لم يعد يجلس على الرصيف. مضت سنوات طويلة.. شاهده المارة يسقط في كف سائل ألف دينار. صرخوا به: هذا كثير.
قال:ـ يوم جمعت ديناراً أكلتُ به، ويوم جمعت مائة اكتسيت، ويوم جمعتُ ألفاً تعلمتُ.. فوقيت نفسي ذل السؤال

غمرتها السعادة وهو يحيط إصبعها بخاتم الزواج. خطر لها أن تسأله: لماذا طلقتَ زوجتك بعد عشر سنوات؟.
رد بقرف شديد:ـ لقد ترهل وجهها.
نظرت إلى وجهها النضر الجميل في المرآة. حذفت له الخاتم.

سألها:ـ" كم مرة مارستِ خيانتي"؟.
قالت:ـ" بعدد صفعاتك". وسألته:ـ" كم مرة خنتني"؟.
قال:ـ" بعدد شكوكِ" … أغمي عليهما معاً.

حملت سيفها لتقطع شجرة مثمرة فوق رأس الجبل. قبل أن تصل، تعثرت.. هوت. لم تنتبه لسيفها المسنون فانكفأت عليه.

مطت خصلة من شعرها. قالت له وصوتها يترجرج بالدمع:
ـ انظر، لقد شبتُ قبل أواني لأجل أن أربيكَ وتصل إلى مرتبتك العالية.
سخرَ من شيبها:ـ كان هذا واجبك.
ابتعد يمتطي طريقه. بقلب الأم المقهورة كانت تتابع ذلك السراب الذي سار باتجاهه.

وقفت أمام المرآة، تأملت صورتها.. ثم نزعت غطاء رأسها، قفازيها، ثوبها الطويل.. تمنت لو تصبح قطة تسير في الشوارع.

قالت له:ـ" أنا قطة ".
قال لها:ـ" أنا كلب ".
دخلا في عراك مميت.. خرجا منه منهارين.. ملوثين بالدماء.
قالت له:ـ" أنا امرأة ".
قال لها:ـ" أنا رجل " … وتعـانـقـا.

ترجرج جسدها الثخين داخل البانيو. تمنت:" ليتني أصير سمكة ". حين همت ترتدي ملابسها، فوجئت أنها لا تلائم حجمها. كانت تحولت قزماً صغيراً.

عبرت أمامه.. استنشق عطرها. خبأه في صدره. حين استقر في الفراش واندست زوجته بقربه برائحة يومها.. أطلق العطر المخبوء في صدره. استطاع أن ينام.

جمعت كل رسائل الحب المتبادلة. قررت أن تمزقها. قالت: لن يشفي هذا غليلي. فكرت تغسلها بالماء. قالت: لن يمحو الماء كل الكلام. فكرت تحرقها. سمعت هسيس الكلمات: بعد عام، ستقرأين رسائل حب أخرى ثم تحرقينها.

أكتافها عارية.لسعها البرد. بحثت عن دفء.من بينهم تمنته وحده يدفئها. تقدم منها، خلع جاكيتته، دثرها بها، دفأت. لكن سنوات طويلة مرت قبل أن تفارقها رائحته الكريهة.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Damsel Flies

How do you perceive this picture?
1. Romantic 2. Erotic 3. Animalistic 4. Insect-sual 5. A piece of art

6. I only see a heart shaped object 7. If I were the female, I would object

8. I cannot stop thinking of the lad’s back ache he’s going to have

9. I love the blue shade 10. I wish I were a Damsel fly

Or your own comment!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Grieving Baby

قلبي يتقطع حسرة على طفلة تبكي أمها التي تركتها وسافرت لقضاء احد اشهر العسل التي لا تنتهي في بلاد الغربة
كل ما تفعله هذه الطفلة هو البحث عن أمها في المنزل فهي غير واعية عما يحدث
كيف لها وأن تعي وهي لم يتجاوز عمرها السنة وبضعة أشهر
كل ما تملكه هو البكاء حين سماع صوت أمها الحنون الغدار على الهاتف

هكذا نصنع جيل الغد
هكذا نبني رجالا
هكذا تتبلور النفس الصدامية
هكذا عيني فارقت النوم حزنا على هذه الطفلة

هذا ما يجنيه زواج هدفه المتعة والحصول على أرض وقرض
لم تنجبون أطفالا أبرياء ان كنتم أشد البعد عن العاطفة والغريزة الأبوية
هدف الله سبحانه هو عمارة الكون، لا هدمه

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Day in Nature


Picture taken by Flamingoliya at dawn

I’m sick. I have a runny nose and my throat is sore all because I spent last night in the balcony over the beach. The air was cool I loved it. Winter is coming yaay. I was alone, so I had my laptop with me. I blogged a little then tried to compose a poem, but I couldn’t. I thought I’d be inspired by the lovely view and weather. But it seems that inspiration comes by itself. Girls in their early 20s were sitting on my right side (whom I tried to mingle with but felt too old for them) and two guys on my left side smoking a cigarette and watching the sea. I really needed company and felt miserably single.

I always wanted to sleep in open air. Like on the roof or on the grass but of course it never happened. I envy my parents for doing so in the old days. That was their natural AC. So since the sea breeze was cool. I decided to achieve my wish the modern way. I brought my pillow and my cover, opened the two windows over looking the sea and shut down the AC. That was it, cool air, and the sound of the waves. Wow it was something, but I didn’t feel it much because it was too late and I was so tired that I fell asleep within a few seconds. I wanted to wake up and watch the sun rise. I had my camera prepared. But I couldn’t wake up until the house keeper came at 5.30 to prepare break fast. Good thing I didn’t yell at her. Who would have breakfast this early? So anyway, I took my cam and went to the balcony. The view was indescribable. One should get in touch with nature now and then. Our life in Kuwait is mostly indoors we don’t get to see nature. The waves were calm. It looked so alluring that I wanted to go for a dip but the weather was so cool that I was sure the water would be too cold to swim in besides being scared of mornings; what if a cat or a dog came and wanted to eat me. No one would help as the world was sleeping. Only one was awake, the crab (shiryib) I loved the way it was walking along the shore. It walked from side to side taking a dip and then when the wave comes it escapes to the sand and the whole thing happens all over again. It looked cute and for a moment I wanted to be a crab. I took some pictures then headed to bed; my real bed in my bed room. I woke up at 11 am with a soar throat. Bismillah, it’s just the beginning of autumn and I’m already sick.

In the afternoon I took a dip. It was my first one since my Tom Cruise one. But this time there were Kuwaiti cruises ;p or in other words, Kuwaiti engaged cruises so there was no use but to just show off by learning to swim. My dad keeps laughing at the way I swim. He doesn’t want me to bathe all day like a duck. Swim my baby swim. My little nephew covered me with sand. He was naughty his mom didn’t teach him not to throw aunty flam with sand balls (kubba as he called them). I then jumped in the trampoline which was screaming for mercy but I paid no attention and continued on exercising to let my beautiful bikini under my sexy tent dry out.
5 pieces of chocolate cake, half bottle of Pringles, one 7up and one cocktail and I happily regained the calories I lost today.

Disclaimer: This post needs editing and spell checking or even deletion of unsolicited info.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Which Anti-Virus?

I don't know what anti-virus to choose..
Norton or Mcafee?

I tried both but the current one is Mcafee and I have to renew the subscription but before I do, I want to know whether I should stick to it or go back to Norton.

Advice anyone?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Blog Addiction Versus Anonymity


Blogspot visited me last night holding a gun with one hand and choking me with the other. IT typed on its orange face: “Either you tell me who you are, or I will block you from me and deprive you from blogging for the rest of your life”. “Not even in my grave?” I asked. “No!” IT said.

I was so confused that I didn’t know what to choose. IT felt sorry for me. IT had to leave cos IT was supposed to spam some other bloggers in the blogosphere. So IT decided to give me the “Indecisive Type Bloggers Solution” and left. “What is that?” I yelled in vain.


When I woke up in the morning I found this comment under my pillow.

Monday, September 05, 2005

End Your Pain

Brooke Shields’ book Down Came the Rain about her Postpartum Depression and her interview with Oprah impressed me. I admire people who speak out their sufferings in order to guide and educate people. I am sure that there are women who suffer from this besides many other psychological problems but keep suffering their whole lives.

In our society it is considered a taboo to look for help, many such feelings are regarded as normal. It is not normal when a woman endures pain while help is just around the corner.

Till when shall we keep on under estimating negative feelings or behaviors. Till when shall people play shrinks and diagnose psycological illness' by themselves.

On another note, many US celebrities end up publishing. How come our writers here are of a limited number. Even newspaper writers rarely produce books. And those who don't, their work gets published after they die!

A note to my friends... I will not thread my eyebrows as long as beautiful Brooke doesn't. Frida forever.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Memoirs of a Single Girl (3)

مذكرات عانس 3

المرأة المريبة

الجزء الأول

كنت جالسة بجانب قريبتي بالعرس الكويتي التقليدي نتفرج على العروسان والفتيات يرقصن من أول القاعة إلى أخرها، كان العرس ممتع ولكن عدد الجمهور كان قليل جدا بالنسبة لحجم القاعة الضخم مما جعلني أحصل على كرسي بالسطر الثالث على الرغم من وصولي متأخرة للعرس، أما بقية السطور خلفي فقد ظلت فاضية حتى نهاية الحفل

لي موقف غريب وأنا جالسة، فقد أحسست بوجود حركة من خلفي ولكني تجاهلتها معتقدة بأني أتخيل، فالقاعة كما ذكرت كانت شاسعة وشبه فاضية ولم أتوقع بتاتا جلوس نساء من خلفي، ولكني كنت مخطئه، فعندما زادت الحركة التفت لخلفي فوجت امرأة جالسة لوحدها خلفي تماما، تعجبت من وجودها في الكرسي الملتصق بي على الرغم من كثرة الكراسي الفاضية حتى أمامي، عموما، تجاهلت وجودها وأكملت الاستمتاع ببقية الحفل

عندما غادر العروسان و جاء
وقت العشاء، و بعدما توجهت معظم النساء إلى قاعة العشاء، لزمت مكاني بضعة دقائق حتى لا أزاحم الناس عند الأكل، وبينما كنت جالسة أتحدث مع قريبتي، نظرت لجانبي وإذ بالمرأة نفسها جالسة بقربي، قلت الأماكن أم ماذا، هنا حقا شعرت ببعض القلق....

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Today's Mood

Originally uploaded by flamingoliya.
I need a mouse pen! pen mouse? The mouse that looks like a pen for drawing?
where, when, how, who?

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Umm, do you work then blog when you rest?
Do you blog, then rest and work?
Blogging is becoming a full time job, I'd be a millionare if paid for it.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


وصلني هذا الموضوع عن طريق البريد الالكتروني ، الموضوع مهم جدا لبناتنا لذا قررت أن أشاركه معكم
كيف تصبح البنت دلوعة خلال سبعة ايام
عليك بإتباع الخطوات التالية بحذافيرها
- لا تلمين شعرك ابدااا بل دعيه يسترسل >>> لغه عربيه فصحي>>> يمنة ويسره بدلال
يعني البنت التي تعاني من شعر مجعد، ليس لديها أمل
- اذا كنت وسط مجموعة بنات او في عزيمة تكلمي بصوت منخفض جداً يعني أخفضيه لاقصى حد وتكلمي ببطأ شديد ورقة وبنعومة ومططي الكلام قد ماتقدرين
لايوجد داعي لأن أذكر أمثله حيه على ذلك
- اجلسي على طرف الكرسي وحطي رجل على رجل
ليس قبل ان تفركيها بمسحوق الأوكسوجين مخلوط بهرده للتبييض ومن ثم النوم لمدة 24 ساعة منقعه بكريم فازلين، ويرجى الانتباه بأن هذه النقطه فقط تنطبق على الفتاة الضعيفة، أما المتينه فيرجى منها توقي الحذر وأن تتأكد من سلامة الكرسي من أية خلل
- اذا احد قال كلمة شعبية عندك حتى لو تعرفينها ابتسمي وقولي ايش؟ مافهمت
ويفضل التكلم باللغة الانجليزية أو أية لغة أخرى أي شيء إلا لغتك الأم
- اذا احد قال شي يضحك اضحكي بنعومه هكذا ههههههه مو تكحين وانتي تضحكين كذا خخخخخخخ لأن مو جالسين بقهوة
أما اذا كنت جالسة في ستاربكس مثلا، فلك كافة الحرية
- سبلي عيونك وحركي رموشك كثير وحاولي كثير تطالعين السقف
هذا باستخدام ماسكرا نوع تالكو المخلوطه بزيت الخروع، وان لاحظت وجود شقوق بالسقف تذمري لأنك لست متعوده على هكذا مناظر
- لا تفتحين فمك كأنك عند طبيب اسنان وانتي تاكلين وخاصة العلك والاحسن انك ماتاكلين علك
دائما قولي بأنك تتبعين نظام حميه ولا تنسي أن تتأكدي من قولهن ماشاء الله، فالعين حق، أما ان كنت تعانين من رائحة فم كريهه، فلك استعمال حبوب سمنت ولكن لا تكثري منها لأنها تسبب آلام بالبطن
- اذا جات حاجة تطير حشرررة مثلاً او تزحف برضووو حشرة بس متعرضة لمحاولة اغتيال.. اصررررخي واركضي ولا يردك غير سطح اصحاب البيت
أنا من رأيي أن تتجمدي بمكانك أفضل، لكي تعترف الناس بشجاعتك وقوة تحملك، ومن ثم ترشيحك للزواج، فليس كل رجل مستعد أن يترك مقر عمله تلبه لنداءك بخصوص تعرضك لهجوم صرصوري
- في المدرسة لا تجلسين تراكضين بين الاسياب وتلاحقين البنات تسحبين شعر هذي وتدغدغين هذي امشي بهدوء وعند المقصف لا تزاحمين اذا زحمة اوقفي بعيد لحد ماتخف الزحمة بعدها اشتري واكيد مارح تلاقين سندويتشات بتخلص
بما أن الفرصه قصيره، فينصح بتناول وجبة الإفطار بالبيت قبل الدوام
- من ناحية اللبس البسي كل شي عليه صور دببه وقطط وارانب واشكال والوان...يعنني دلوووعه واهم شي روحي محل اكسسوارت واشتري كل الكلبسات الصغيرة وصفيها على شعرك يومياً
يمكنك أخذ بعض الأفكار من مشاهدة برنامج الوادي، واذا كانت كلبسات محل كليرز لا تكفي شعرك، جربي كلبسات محل نوران
- لازم على طول تشترين دباديب وفواحات وقلوب وصور اطفال وحركااات وكثري من الاشياء الغربية.
أنا شخصيا لا أعلم مالقصود بفواحات، ربما هذه الكلمة تعتبر كلمة شعبية لا تفهمها فتاة دلوعه مثلي ولكن ان كان المقصود بالزيوت الفواحه فأنصحك بزيت الافندر ، سيخدرك ويخدر من أمامك وبذلك ستتمكنين من التصرف بحرية دون الانقياد بالنصائح المذكورة أعلاه، اما الصور، اياك وأن تستخدمي صور أقاربك فالعين حق كما ذكرت سابقا، استخدمي محرك البحث جوجل بدلا من ذلك
- طبعاً لازم تقولين انك ماتطبخين ولا ترتبين حتى غرفة نومك و و ووو سلامتكم
الأولى مو محتاجه تكرار، اما الأخرى فأنا أفضل أن تقولي الحقيقة مهما كانت مؤلمة
وفي الختام، أتمنى ألا أكون قد طولت في الكلام وثقلت عليكم، لا تلوموني، فاليوم أنا وحيده بالدوام

Monday, August 01, 2005

Movie Passion

I finally saw the movie "The Passion of the Christ". They should've mentioned next to 18, do not eat while watching. I was disappointed by the movie. Mel Gibson didn't succeed this time, as if I knew his other productions! Well all I saw was blood, more blood, and torture. I knew beforehand that it contained torture but I expected a story too. There was none. His mother was beautiful, and also his sister, I think? There was a lady and a boy with the mother so I figured they were his siblings. But what a strong mother she was. She didn't tear much.

There were parts like our version in Islam, and there were different others. If those were his siblings, was his mother married before or what? There was a man in black since the start of the movie that I thought was the angel of death but wearing black then I figured in the end of the movie that he might be Satan.
The torture was all heart breaking, but the most heart breaking of all was the time they nailed his hand. Was he tortured that much in our Islamic version? Cos I know that Allah saved our prophets from that kind of torture. I don't blame the Jews for getting upset at this movie, because there was no story at all, just torture.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


When I go lingerie shopping two things I hate most; one is having cashier men instead of women, the other is seeing couples shopping together.

I was doing some sales shopping today and when I was at the lingerie section I found a mid aged typical Kuwaiti couple. The man held a fuchsia satin piece embroidered with black lace and asked his wife why not get this satin piece? His wife told him tenderly:

ماكو من هذا حبيبي، شسوي بعد، شسوي

As I was behind this man I thought he’d feel embarrassed or something after seeing me but he didn’t. He kept examining the goods so I changed my mind and left.

Why wouldn’t the wife get to know her hubby’s favorites from magazines and catalogues?!

Monday, July 25, 2005


Boys, If you are emotional, don't check it

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Repeat after me

نداء للصامدون على أرض الوطن
نداء للصابرون على عرق البدن
نداء للحالمون بجنات عدن

Repeat after me
الدنيا ربيع والجو بديع
الدنيا ربيع والجو بديع
الدنيا ربيع والجو بديع
الدنيا ربيع والجو بديع

Who said NLP works? It doesn't!

I can't breath!!

Sunday, July 17, 2005


I hate it when I get used to people; all kinds of people. People I like and people I don’t like much. It’s what they call it in Kuwaiti (el 3ishra) and in Egyptian (3aish oo mal7). It is strange how you feel it with people you didn’t know you cared for.

My first cry in public was when I was 10. She was my English teacher who came for a short period of time to practice teaching. The day she told us that it is time to leave I found myself shedding tears. I remember feeling miserably sad and shocked by her leaving. I loved her so much. You know how some teachers were strict, others may beat, but that teacher was an angel. Maybe because she was still young or still practicing; all I know is that I loved her so much and so did the rest of the class.

I cried too when a fellow employee wanted to leave. His contract was over and there was no renewal. I was feeling sad that I’d miss him being around. But what made me shed tears is when I found an enveloped letter on my desk from him. It was hand written and the content was dramatic. I couldn’t hold my tears and started crying at work. And by that I don’t mean tearing only but crying; crying like a baby.

I feel this way too when I think of traveling. I can’t bare the thought of leaving home, my family and my room. Oh well, even my bath room. I even miss home even when I go to chalet. Some times I spend many hours outside home that I start to miss it. I feel depressed when I think of traveling. I feel choked with tears when my parents drop me at the airport. I still haven’t cried at such occasion. Maybe because I am always emotionally prepared unlike sudden events like the ones mentioned above.

I feel like crying when I see my nephew laughing. I feel like crying when I see my sick grandmother lying for what seems forever in her bed. I feel like crying when grandpa doesn’t remember who I am. I feel like crying when I see my best friend happily married. I feel like crying at weddings even if I didn’t know the bride and groom. And when it’s the wedding of people close to my heart, I feel numb.

My nephew’s hug without me asking for it; is the best thing that ever happened to me. I miss kissing his tiny chubby hands, biting his tummy, and tickling the bottom of his feet.

I miss O, who used to clean our WC at work. It stinks now.
N, I wish you ignore those ignorant people at work; I don’t want you to have a heart attack.
A, I wish he becomes a real man and appreciate you.
Myself, I wish you make up your mind.
I wish to know if my childhood nanny is still alive.

heffff (A Tweety-like kinda heffff)
I hate posting such posts.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Haunted House (2)

My friend’s idea was to visit the cursed house. I thought that she was only joking or trying to scare me, but I was wrong. My friend had already decided and packed her stuff for the wild trip. At first, I thought that it was a silly idea, but then I realized that by this trip I will be able to prove her wrong and assert my scientific realistic theory; that there is no such thing as a ghost or a demon. And finally after her long nagging; I agreed. I wanted to free my friend from the worry and fear she lived in.

The big day had come. We packed some food and water. My friend surprised me with a knife hidden in her pocket in case of a ….. I did not know! I guess she wanted to feel safe with a simple weapon. I told her that a knife can not kill ghosts since they aren’t made of flesh and blood like humans. My intention was to tease her but she took it seriously and stole her father’s gun. I took my diary to make sure I’d write down the state of mind my friend was in so that she would laugh at herself after discovering how foolish she was.

The time has arrived, so we started our five meter journey to the old deserted two story house. Our first stop was the external gate. I stood there watching the view of the inside garden; it looked stunning. The grass was tall, and the trees were scattered here and there. It looked unorganized but I admired the greenery and wondered how it survived the hot climate. Despite the trash thrown all over the place, I imagined that with a little gardener’s touch it would’ve looked like paradise. At that point my friend Salma started saying her prayers as a protection from demons so I did the same. I had to take my precautions in case she turned out to be right.

After we were done with our prayers, Salma climbed the gate. She did it skillfully because she was an acrobat. As for me, I was like an 80 year old crumbled old lady with heavy bodily fat. My friend of course started to make fun of me as I tried hard to hold on to the fence. I didn’t want to fall, neither to break the gate. Climbing up the fence seemed easy but landing on the floor took more time. I couldn’t just jump. What if I broke a bone or something. So after strenuous effort I landed safely on the ground. I took a deep breath and started my discovery.

The Haunted House (1)

Friday, July 08, 2005

My Face is my Fortune

Where are you going to my pretty maid

Where are you going to,
My pretty maid,
Where are you going to,
My pretty maid?

I'm going a-milking, sir,
She said,
Sir, she said,
Sir, she said,
I'm going a-milking, Sir,
She said.

Shall I go with you,
My pretty maid?
Shall I go with you,
My pretty maid?

Yes, if you please, kind sir,
She said,
Sir, she said,
Sir, she said,
Yes, if you please, kind sir,
She said.

What is your father,
My pretty maid?
What is your father,
My pretty maid?

My father's a farmer, sir,
She said,
Sir, she said,
Sir, she said,
My father's a farmer, sir,
She said.

What is your fortune,
My pretty maid?
What is your fortune,
My pretty maid?

My face is my fortune, sir,
She said,
Sir, she said,
Sir, she said,
My face is my fortune, sir,
She said.

Then I can't marry you,
My pretty maid?
Then I can't marry you,
My pretty maid?

Nobody asked you, sir,
She said,
Sir, she said,
Sir, she said,
Nobody asked you, sir,
She said.

Note: Some people didn't get it, maybe they were too lazy to read it fully :P
So I highlighted the main points there. Hope you get it dude!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005



Remember when we used to shrink images and save documents on disks?
Remember the piles of disks on your desk? Remember how long it took a disk to show files or to open them?
Aren't you glad that those days are over?
I am thankful for the invention of memory sticks.
They are small. They save and show files fast.
CDs were discovered before, but CD burning takes time too.

Information storage space shrunk from a room to a 5cm piece that you can hide in your pocket or hang as a necklace.

Don't you wish some other things shrink as well too?
Your car for example? So that you don't have to worry about finding a place to park?
Your bum?


Or maybeee your man?


Who knows, maybe the translated saying "Her husband is her ring" becomes real?

The Haunted House


“Ghosts are the creation of fictitious minds”; that was my belief until I visited the haunted house which has always been an attraction to me and my friend. She used to tell me countless stories about people going to that house and disappearing afterwards and stories about survivors who managed to get out but were obliged to go to psychiatric help.

I used to mock my friend for believing such foolish stories. How could an invisible thing exist, and even if it did, why would it harm innocent people. I just could not accept that thought and tried hard to get it out of her mind but she just would not listen. She was predetermined and stubborn.

My friend lived next door to that house with her bedroom window over looking the house; a thing that caused her haunting fear day and night. She surprised me one day by suggesting an unexpected idea…

to be continued

Monday, July 04, 2005

I Love my Shoes

I went to AL Koot shopping mall. On my way in, one young lady with her two friends were yelling at 3 young men who seemed to be flirting with them. All I thought was "this is just the beginning, what will happen next" as I was intending to roam around alone.

All was fine, no body bothered. In fact no one even looked in to my eyes. Why? I didn't know. I was just glad that I shopped safely. On my way out, a guy said: " wesh hal jooty?!". That's when I knew the secret and realized that my big bulky sneakers didn't fit in.


I liked how the fruits and vegetables area was neat and clean. So I took my camera and started shooting. Sellers there were so happy with the camera and wanted to show up on each picture I took. They were so co-operative. I bet they thought I was a journalist.




I like the water melon shot the most