You look silly!
I am sure that if it weren't for people's talk, they would've worn those sets in summer too.
المرأة المريبة
الجزء الأول
كنت جالسة بجانب قريبتي بالعرس الكويتي التقليدي نتفرج على العروسان والفتيات يرقصن من أول القاعة إلى أخرها، كان العرس ممتع ولكن عدد الجمهور كان قليل جدا بالنسبة لحجم القاعة الضخم مما جعلني أحصل على كرسي بالسطر الثالث على الرغم من وصولي متأخرة للعرس، أما بقية السطور خلفي فقد ظلت فاضية حتى نهاية الحفل
حدث لي موقف غريب وأنا جالسة، فقد أحسست بوجود حركة من خلفي ولكني تجاهلتها معتقدة بأني أتخيل، فالقاعة كما ذكرت كانت شاسعة وشبه فاضية ولم أتوقع بتاتا جلوس نساء من خلفي، ولكني كنت مخطئه، فعندما زادت الحركة التفت لخلفي فوجت امرأة جالسة لوحدها خلفي تماما، تعجبت من وجودها في الكرسي الملتصق بي على الرغم من كثرة الكراسي الفاضية حتى أمامي، عموما، تجاهلت وجودها وأكملت الاستمتاع ببقية الحفل
عندما غادر العروسان و جاء وقت العشاء، و بعدما توجهت معظم النساء إلى قاعة العشاء، لزمت مكاني بضعة دقائق حتى لا أزاحم الناس عند الأكل، وبينما كنت جالسة أتحدث مع قريبتي، نظرت لجانبي وإذ بالمرأة نفسها جالسة بقربي، قلت الأماكن أم ماذا، هنا حقا شعرت ببعض القلق....
My friend’s idea was to visit the cursed house. I thought that she was only joking or trying to scare me, but I was wrong. My friend had already decided and packed her stuff for the wild trip. At first, I thought that it was a silly idea, but then I realized that by this trip I will be able to prove her wrong and assert my scientific realistic theory; that there is no such thing as a ghost or a demon. And finally after her long nagging; I agreed. I wanted to free my friend from the worry and fear she lived in.
The big day had come. We packed some food and water. My friend surprised me with a knife hidden in her pocket in case of a ….. I did not know! I guess she wanted to feel safe with a simple weapon. I told her that a knife can not kill ghosts since they aren’t made of flesh and blood like humans. My intention was to tease her but she took it seriously and stole her father’s gun. I took my diary to make sure I’d write down the state of mind my friend was in so that she would laugh at herself after discovering how foolish she was.
The time has arrived, so we started our five meter journey to the old deserted two story house. Our first stop was the external gate. I stood there watching the view of the inside garden; it looked stunning. The grass was tall, and the trees were scattered here and there. It looked unorganized but I admired the greenery and wondered how it survived the hot climate. Despite the trash thrown all over the place, I imagined that with a little gardener’s touch it would’ve looked like paradise. At that point my friend Salma started saying her prayers as a protection from demons so I did the same. I had to take my precautions in case she turned out to be right.
After we were done with our prayers, Salma climbed the gate. She did it skillfully because she was an acrobat. As for me, I was like an 80 year old crumbled old lady with heavy bodily fat. My friend of course started to make fun of me as I tried hard to hold on to the fence. I didn’t want to fall, neither to break the gate. Climbing up the fence seemed easy but landing on the floor took more time. I couldn’t just jump. What if I broke a bone or something. So after strenuous effort I landed safely on the ground. I took a deep breath and started my discovery.
I like the water melon shot the most